Nowadays, more and more people choose halogen chandeliers, because their light is insanely similar to the sun, they do not flicker and do not flash, the light from them is more than 30 percent and the service life is five years longer. Even the appearance of halogen chandeliers is much more aesthetically pleasing and chic, and thanks to the remote control it can be made absent-minded during a romantic meeting, vivid when writing documents or muffled when watching TV - all according to your mood.

Halogen Chandeliers with Remote Control

Halogen lamps shine at lower speeds of electricity, therefore saving your budget.

If you intend to give a simple interior more light and sophistication with such a luxurious innovation, which has become a stylish accessory in many luxury homes and apartments, do not forget to look at reviews about halogen chandeliers with remote control or leave your comment there, based on the own operation of such a chandelier!

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A modern touch of the interior!
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I got a halogen chandelier in the living room after the repair. I have long wanted something original, unusual, with a slight twist in the chandelier. I immediately chose the chandeliers of the new generation, they appeared not so long ago on the market (halogen chandeliers). The choice was difficult to make, now there is simply a huge number of species. Our chandelier Halogen 3652/25 has 6 halogen bulbs, it’s not a problem to buy them, besides they are much more economical than ordinary ones and look more aesthetically pleasing. The brightness is controlled by the remote control, you can choose any convenient mode for yourself. For convenience, you can place the remote control on special mounts on the wall. There is a night light mode. The production is Chinese, but despite this it looks expensive and of high quality.
Stylish, fashionable, bright.
Price, fragility of the material.
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more than three years
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It's just a magic wand
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about 5 years ago I was visiting a friend and first saw a halogen chandelier, only at that time I still didn’t know what it was called. I was very interested in the light being controlled from the remote control and changing the room. Then I just forgot about it, the night light in the child’s room was ordinary. The usual red and then blue light bulb was screwed into it. Two years ago we moved to an apartment and I noticed a similar chandelier on the ground floor of a neighbor. I woke up with more power. The light bulbs stopped letting out different colors, and we had a second child. And we decided to buy a halogen chandelier. Now it’s very nice to put to bed and change the color scheme in the room.
Without getting out of bed, calmly change the light in the room and turn off
on the remote you need a response button from the base)))
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more than three years
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The interior of the living room has become simply gorgeous with the purchase of a halogen chandelier!
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We bought a halogen chandelier on the remote control a year and a half ago, when we were waiting for the birth of the first-born! To the point of insanity, I liked her colorful and unique look, which at once it was decided to take only her to the room where the repair was made.

Counted on ordinary, but halogen fell in love with itself instantly and thoroughly! In our chandelier there are 3 levels of illumination: a bright ordinary of three light bulbs, housekeeping, blue halogen and double combined. The chandelier is sold with bulbs. The remote control has switches for all modes, even sleep mode, when the light automatically goes out after 15 minutes.

We are satisfied with the purchase immensely, because after the birth of our baby we sleep constantly with the blue light on. The kid wakes up at night and is not afraid when the blue light is on, but I see what he is doing and whether he is hiding.

And during the day, the chandelier looks chic and royal, thanks to the hanging icicle crystals and glass petals with drawings. By the way, the remote control does not break even in the hands of a curious child! I recommend the halogen chandelier - the whole interior changes with its purchase!
Quick response to the remote control, durability, beauty.
Three light bulbs waste
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more than three years
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Halogen chandelier with control panel.
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I learned about a halogen chandelier with a control panel just a few weeks ago. In our small town, it is very rare to see such a chandelier on the shelves of the store. Imagining how it will look in our room, I bought it without hesitation.

I have never regretted the acquisition of a halogen chandelier, in addition to the unusual appearance and beautiful lighting, it also fit in perfectly! The cost of the chandelier is within 7000 rubles, LED lamps have already been screwed. There were no problems with installing the chandelier, it was installed in about 1 hour.

Most of all I like the choice of modes. There are about 6 of them on our chandelier. You can make the light a little brighter, you can reduce it almost completely. Indescribable romantic atmosphere can convey the mode with blue backlight. When the child falls asleep in the hall, we switch to the diode twilight.
Appearance, control panel, several backlight modes
Unfortunately, minor flaws also exist. A halogen chandelier eats up a lot of electricity, so I don’t recommend buying it for too economical families.
Term of use
a few months
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