An analogue of natural parquet flooring is parquet board, which has many advantages, due to its three-layer structure. The upper part of this coating is made using valuable wood of ash, beech, oak, etc. Two other layers are represented by conifers. Ecological cleanliness and safety of a parquet board is one of its many advantages.
Increased durability for a long time provides the external attractiveness of the flooring, and the excellent sound insulation properties and the ability of wood to accumulate heat will make the room more comfortable. Another plus is the relatively reasonable cost.
The coating is quite resistant to various damage. The surface layer, which also plays a decorative role, is directly exposed to exploitation. To increase wear resistance, this part of the board is varnished many times. The middle layer is considered the main one and makes the coating resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. The lower part of the parquet board performs a fixing function, giving stability to the entire structure.
Parquet board, reviews of which confirm all the above advantages, will be the most advantageous flooring option for any room - from an apartment to a government office.