In European countries it is customary to divide linoleum into only two varieties: household and commercial. Well, in Russia they decided to single out another species. This is a semi-commercial linoleum, the characteristics of which are only slightly inferior to commercial. That this material and what properties it possesses will be discussed in this article.

Characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum and technical properties

How is the material arranged and where is it used?

Semi-commercial linoleum always consists of several layers (that is, it is heterogeneous).

The structure of the material is close to the structure of household linoleum:

Semi-commercial type linoleum structure

#1. The topmost layer is protective. He does not allow the floor to wear prematurely, ruining the picture. This layer is thicker than that of household linoleum.

#2. The finishing layer gives the product completeness and shapes its appearance. Linoleum can be one-color (and the palette is very extensive), and also have a print in wood, stone, metal.

#3. The basis for the drawing.

#4. Fiberglass. This increases the reliability of the canvas and saves it from deformation.

#5. Foam PVC base

#6. Back layer with markings.

Semi-commercial linoleum is also called office linoleum, since it is mainly taken for office floors. However, it can be used in clinics, and in kindergartens, and in stores. For home, this durable material is also well suited.

Since GOSTs are not provided for this material, this makes it somewhat difficult to classify this or that material as the so-called class of semi-commercial linoleum. However, the proponents of this material themselves support certain standards by which it can be determined that this is a semi-commercial linoleum.

Typically, this type of linoleum has the following parameters:

  • Product thickness - from 2.2 to 4.5 mm;
  • the thickness of the upper layer (protective) is from 0.35 to 0.6 mm;
  • the weight of one square meter - from 2 to 5 kg;
  • abrasion - from 10 to 15 g / m2;
  • standard width - from 1.5 to 5 m (with an interval of 0.5 m).

How is semi-commercial linoleum classified by wear resistance

To choose the semi-commercial linoleum that is most suitable for specific conditions, you need to understand what the numerical designations in its marking mean. This is not a problem. In our country, we adhere to European standards for the classification of floor coverings and the premises where they are used.

According to these rules, there are 3 types of premises:

  • The residential type of premises is indicated by the number 2;
  • office type is indicated by the number 3;
  • the production type is indicated by the number 4.

In addition, another parameter is classified - the load that the floor covering is subjected to:

  • At low load in the marking indicate the number 1;
  • at an average load - figure 2;
  • at increased load - number 3;
  • at very high load - the number 4.

To make it more clear, manufacturers also put pictograms next to numbers. They depict houses and little men. Looking at the figure and the number next to it, you can quickly figure out if this linoleum is suitable.

Wear Resistance Classes

Take, for example, material marked with the number 32, it is suitable for an office building, and class 31 is good for a house where a large family lives.

Abrasion group

Sometimes types of semi-commercial linoleum can vary significantly in cost. As a rule, more expensive material has less abrasion.This indicator is designed to determine how quickly the flooring will wear out. The abrasion group must be calculated according to the European norm EN660-1.

The abrasion group is determined as follows: a sample of the tested linoleum is applied to a rotating disk with an abrasive applied to it. When this disk passes 25,000 rpm, measurements are made. By comparing the initial linoleum thickness with that obtained after testing, you can determine how the coating has worn off. In accordance with this, he is assigned one of the abrasion groups.

This parameter depends on the thickness of the protective layer, and on its composition. Pure polyvinyl chloride is the least susceptible to wear, without impurities. It is with this composition that high-quality semi-commercial linoleum is usually covered. If chalk and quartz sand are added to PVC, then the strength of the coating is reduced.

The following abrasion groups are distinguished:

  • Group T - material with protection from pure PVC. When tested, it is erased by 0.08 mm or less.
  • Group P - average degree of wear. Erasing the top layer is from 0.08 to 0.15 mm.
  • Group M - poor abrasion resistance. When checking, from 0.15 to 0.3 mm of the protective layer is lost.
  • Group F - material with an unacceptably large amount of impurities - more than 65 percent. Its strength is very low. Erase - from 0.3 to 0.6 mm.

Semi-commercial linoleum has abrasion - from 10 to 15 g / m2 and group P.

About the thickness and quality of the protective layer

This is one of the most important characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum. Thanks to the protective transparent film, the pattern does not lose its freshness, and the coating itself wears out more slowly. After all, only this upper film is erased during loads.

If the thickness of the upper protective layer is from 0.3 to 0.6 mm, it means - we have before us a semi-commercial linoleum or as it is also called reinforced household linoleum. Naturally, with an increase in the protective layer, the price of the product also increases, but its service life is significantly increased.

Some manufacturers add a protective layer additional useful properties. For example, Tarkett, using its own technological developments, makes the coating convenient for cleaning and especially durable:

  • Thus, the protection of EXTREME PROTECTION increases the strength of Tarkett linoleum seven times (if compared with ordinary household linoleum).
  • The TITAN layer is an additional varnish covering.
  • TUREX is a special embossing method that makes Tarkett linoleum as close as possible to one of the expensive natural materials: stone, wood or ceramic tile.

Embossed linoleum
Embossed linoleum.

The basis of semi-commercial linoleum

The basis of a semi-commercial coating can be:

Felt (needle-punched material)


Polyvinyl chloride (foamed type)


The use of PVC base is a relatively new technology that has managed to gain popularity. After all, the joints of such linoleum is very easy to connect with a special compound for cold welding of PVC materials. Moreover, the connection occurs at the molecular level, so it turns out to be airtight and completely invisible (unlike the standard method of docking - by the sills). At the joints, the moisture that gets in is not afraid - it will not pass inside.

But the felt needle-punched base also has its advantages. For example, it glues perfectly to any surface, and is also very tear resistant. And on linoleum with such a foundation, dents from something heavy are less noticeable, and the affordability of the price is more attractive.

The length and width of semi-commercial linoleum

Here semi-commercial linoleum boasts a variety. Manufacturers produce it with a width of one and a half to five meters (in increments of half a meter). This is not bad - you can always choose the material that will give the minimum amount of waste. And the seams at the joints can also be made smaller. Well, the lengths of the rolls are not so different - usually they are from 20 to 30 meters.

Total coating thickness

This parameter affects properties such as sound insulation and thermal insulation. And it’s nice and comfortable to walk along thick linoleum - it springs due to depreciation.Typically, semi-commercial coatings are made from 2.2 to 4.5 mm thick.

How much does linoleum weigh?

Weight determines the characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum, such as density and strength. After all, it depends on the density whether the severity of the legs of the loaded cabinet will withstand the floor, walking on shoes with sharp heels or the trip of a chair on wheels. Weight is determined per square meter - it usually lies in the range from 2 to 5 kg.

About fire safety

In accordance with fire regulations, all materials used in everyday life, in production and in offices have a certain degree of combustibility. For linoleum, 4 degrees are determined - from G1 to G4. Most of these coatings are classified as grades G3 and G4 (combustible materials).

There is also an indicator of flammability (B), for which 3 groups are assigned, and also having 3 groups the ability to smoke (D). The abbreviation RP refers to the degree of spread of the flame - it relates the material to one of four groups. There are a number of other indicators. The main thing is to remember the rule: the larger the number following the letters, the more combustible the material.

For semi-commercial linoleum, this is the case:

  • Flammability of degree G3 - G4;
  • flammability of group B2 - B3;
  • ability to smoke - D3;
  • ability to spread flame - RP1 or RP2.

What else is worth considering - additional parameters of semi-commercial linoleum

On the roll of material there is a certain number of icon-pictograms. It will be nice to understand them - this will help to avoid an error when buying:

  • If you see an icon depicting lightning, then this is good. So, linoleum is antistatic and will not accumulate electricity, unexpectedly shocking it.
  • Look for the wheel icon if you intend to move furniture on wheels on the floor - bedside tables, chairs, tables. Such linoleum will withstand all this.
  • If you are going to arrange underfloor heating, then buy linoleum with a "warm floor" icon.
  • Finally, another parameter is residual deformation. Semi-commercial coating has it at the following level: ≤ 0.17 - ≤ 1.33 mm.

Table: Properties and characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum

Wear class 31, 32, 33 classes.
Group and degree of abrasion 10 to 15 g / m2, group "P".
Protective layer thickness From 0.3 to 0.6 mm.
The basis of semi-commercial linoleum Felt (needle-punched material);
Polyvinyl chloride (foamed type).
Long From 20 to 30 meters.
Width 1.5; 2; 2.5; 3; 3.5; 4; 4,5; 5 m
Coating thickness From 2.2 to 4.5 mm.
Linoleum weight 2 to 5 kg / m2.
Flammability Degrees G3 - G4.
Flammability Groups B2 - B3
Smoke forming D3
Ability to spread flame RP1 - RP2
Permanent deformation ≤ 0.17 - ≤ 1.33 mm.

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