This page contains reviews about Vinyl-On siding - domestic decoration material. It is made from American raw materials and American technology. The assortment contains 13 of the most popular colors. Like other types of siding, Vinyl On is a material well suited for decorating the facade of any private home. Vinyl-On siding, reviews of which you will find below, allows you to create a unique facade design, as a result of which your home will look more attractive. If you have any experience using this material, please leave your opinion.

Ratings, reviews and opinions on siding Vinylon

How we landscaped the cottage
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We inherited a summer residence, rather dilapidated ... but what's there, completely killed. My husband suggested she patched up a bit, the benefit of their own could put her in order. The work began to boil, they and the team did a lot of things in a couple of weeks. The small house was overgrown with new rooms, inside it became much more spacious. Naturally, the exterior decoration was also needed, because everything looked somehow ridiculous.

My husband suggested sheathe siding, I basically had nothing against it. The manufacturer Vinilon was advised by our son-in-law, it turned out that they and her daughter bought siding for their house from this manufacturer. The only thing in our city there is no distributor, I had to order from the nearest region. It was not very convenient.

Before ordering, we carefully calculated how much material we will need. Fortunately, the company’s website has an online calculator that helped us a lot. Thus, we have almost no excess material left.
The husband installed the siding, with a team of finishers, according to her husband, the siding was quite easy to attach to the house. Deal quickly. I liked that the siding panels are rather dense and textured. From afar it even seems that the house is sheathed with a wooden lining.

And here is our cottage for a couple of seasons like new. Nothing is done to the siding, the paint does not fade and does not peel off, precipitation is not afraid of him, he does not crack from frost. Great stuff. So we recommend this option for finishing not only a country house, but also a residential one. The house will look beautiful.
And a small wish to the manufacturer - expand the network of partners so that siding is available in every city.
Inexpensive. You can calculate the amount of necessary material directly on the site using the calculator, a very convenient function.
There is no dealer in our city.
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To help the construction team
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I have been working in the construction team for 10 years for sure, in the last few years I have not only been doing work, but also helping to procure materials. We have been working with Vinilon for a long time, and I recommend it to all my colleagues, especially since I see only positive reviews on the network. I will explain why.

Some manufacturers of siding, I will not say which, do not really care about how to mount the product to the wall. As a result, dancing with tambourines and work is delayed for several hours. Vinylon’s everything is very clear and simple, after several projects I can even mount it with my eyes closed. This greatly reduces the time of work, as a result, in one working day we can, for example, bring to mind the entire exterior finish, including the installation of drains. By the way, we also buy them from Vinilon, and they are just as easy to install. As a result, labor productivity rises, the number of completed orders grows, as does our income. Well, great!

We also had disputes about siding, for example, some clients do not want to install it in any way. But we always have samples with us when we discuss finishing. Those who did not want simple siding, after talking with us, choose ... siding under the tree, and we part with mutual respect.

In general, our entire team works with Vinilon and does not know grief. Cool that our Russian manufacturer took and made a great quality product. And yes, I covered their own house with their siding, why not?
It reduces installation time by almost 2 times, many colors, it is convenient to buy in our region.
Some people simply do not understand how siding can be beautiful.
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Installation experience Vinylon siding 3 years
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I have been working in the construction team for 10 years, in the last 3-4 years we have switched to siding houses. By customer orders, we mounted metal and vinyl siding, Russian, imported. For baths, terraces, country houses usually choose our, domestic.

It is cheaper, but it looks no worse. We have been installing it for three years now and Vinylon too. He is in demand, we ask our customers after some time to give feedback. According to their reviews, Vinylon siding is held with a bang, does not fade, does not break. But this also depends on the installation, you just need to follow the technology. We try not to carry out installation work with siding with a strong minus. About zero degrees is possible; better than zero is not necessary.

In general, in my memory, everything was sheathed to them - houses, gazebos, baths, garages, covered porches, in general, any courtyard buildings. With and without crate, with insulation and without it. With Vinilon really work without problems. Vent shafts, beveled corners, any architectural "bells and whistles" are sheathed at a time. Well, the buildings sheathed with siding Vinylon look pretty aesthetically pleasing, too, plus everything.
trouble-free installation, all extras are available, relatively inexpensive
there is, like any vinyl siding, but they just need to be taken into account
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more than three years
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Vinylon siding I am satisfied
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About five years ago I bought a house kit and put a wooden house on my site. Then this idea seemed good to me. But whatever one may say, the new wooden house shrinks, cracks appear, it gradually loses its appearance. And besides, he was not as warm as I expected. Looking at the example of the neighbors, I came to the very unequivocal conclusion that my wooden house needs to be insulated and finished. Again, I wanted to do this with minimal financial investment. I read the thematic forums.

Modern technology has stepped far forward, so now vinyl siding is a very attractive option for decorating a modern home. After I had to delve into the topic of vinyl siding. Since the choice on the market is huge, everyone praises their goods, and someone else always criticized. But here a neighbor example helped. They finished the house two years ago, and the siding on it, if not as new, then in excellent condition. Siding brand prompted - Vinylon.

But of course I read their site. I was glad that they began to produce products with greater resistance to ultraviolet. There is an opportunity to see in a special section how a house with one or another siding will look. Well, the detailed installation instructions finally convinced me that the manufacturer is serious.

I bought Provence Logistic color panels and everything I need for installation. Then a heater. It was easy to install, the panels do not break, but bend, are quite durable.The house has changed dramatically. Well, in the winter I was convinced that it was much warmer. In the spring I carried out a revision of the facade - everything is fine, no comments. Washed only - and the facade again took on a fresh look. Well, over the summer, he did not lose color. So I'm pleased with Vinylon siding and recommend it to others.
Beautiful, durable and lightweight siding, affordable price. Easy installation, help from the site
most interesting: what?
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Vinylon siding quality checked - 6 years
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I took the siding of this manufacturer back in 2012, then no one had heard of Vinylon yet. Therefore, there were no one to learn reviews and opinions from. Vinylon used to sell siding through dealers, only dealers were mainly in Moscow. This is now a dealer network almost throughout the country.

I myself also live in Moscow, was built on a site near Dolgoprudny, near Moscow, so there were no problems with choosing and buying then. I don’t remember exactly the cost, but I bought it rather cheaply compared to imported siding, I got some discounts or something else.

He considered that even if the Vinylon siding lasts at least 2 - 3 years, then it will fully pay off its cost. But it has been serving for 6 years. I'm not going to change yet. Yes, what else is appreciated over time - a sufficient thickness of the panels. They do not bend under strong winds and showers, do not “make noise”, and give good thermal insulation.

Concerning the "led" - not the "led" I will say, you need to correctly install and choose the time of year. Not in the heat, and not in the cold, and not in the rain naturally. I installed in early August, the time is right for such work. And warm, and still dry.

It is a pity that at the same time the gutter system did not immediately change, along with siding. I still have iron galvanized gutters, their look is certainly not the same .. But a neighbor in the country last year installed gutters on his roof just from Vinylon.

Satisfied, said to be strong and not bent under the snow. In the spring we examined pipes and funnels. The whole thing, the plastic did not crack or burst anywhere. So now my plans are to put vinylon gutters on the roof of my house.
pleased with the siding
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I did not build myself a big house, like some. I bought a small plot and built a house with an attic of 75 squares. Stated in the budget for sure. Well, a flying crew of citizens from the southern republics pasted me with polystyrene foam and after the very first winter all this warming ordered me to live long. There was almost no free money, but I wanted everything to be arranged wisely. In May, I began to consult with neighbors, acquaintances and colleagues. Everyone has their own opinion, arguments and experience.

As a result of long doubts and thoughts, I came to the conclusion that the optimal in my case would be insulation with mineral wool, on top of which siding will cover. I quickly decided on mineral wool, but on siding - here, like many, I got a plug. It seems that there are enough brands of this material on the market, but what exactly to take is another question. So, somewhere in June, a familiar builder told me that it is best to look at Vinyl-on siding.

I read about this manufacturer, looked, theoretically everything convinced. I especially liked the fact that this our Russian manufacturer, through official dealers, goes to buyers, that is, prices are kept low. Plus there are all the necessary certificates and documents. Again, the site has lists of all dealers, it is easy to find them in your region.The seller was sociable - he helped to determine the amount of siding and suggested buying a Vinyl-on gutter system right away.

I took the sandalwood DUTCHLAP siding. As for the installation of siding, I consulted with my friend, plus I watched a video on the company's website so as not to make any mistakes during installation. In short, together with a friend I finished a siding house in two days. I can’t say that everything turned out right away, I still did the warming, but winter came and the result shows that I did everything right in the house - it’s warm. Well, again, the house itself turned out beautiful.
Price, appearance, choice of options
Yes, like all the rules
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half a year
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Siding Vinyl-on
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I bought on the occasion of unfinished. Material - cinder block, monolith. Everything seems to be fine - he scraped some more money, last year in the autumn he covered the house with a roof and finished the interior decoration. In winter, I realized that the cinder block does not save from frost. It is necessary to insulate. Plus plaster. All are advised to insulate with foam, but somehow I do not like it. For me, so minvata makes an impression much more impressive in terms of warming. In short, of all that I read, the simplest, most reasonable, and most technologically advanced was the use of mineral wool paired with siding. Then new torment began with the choice of this material. It is clear that neither metal, nor wood, and fiber cement siding did not fit because of its high cost. I settled on vinyl siding and started looking for a decent manufacturer. Not everything is simple in this topic - a bunch of reviews, forums and 100,500 reviews have not convinced me either in favor of one or another brand. This spring, on the other hand, trouble crept in - I lost my job, so I had to solve something quickly. I began to look for inexpensive vinyl siding and not look at the country of origin and the coolness of the brand. When I came across the site did not give much attention. But I read about Vinyl-on and was very impressed. It has its own narrow specialized production, albeit not a giant one, but its own network of dealers. Use imported raw materials. There is a technical support. In short, I found their dealer in my city, calculated how they recommend the right amount of mineral wool, siding and accessories on the site, and then I went to the dealer and bought everything. He turned to a friend-builder for help. It seems like nonsense, but it was really convenient to mount the siding and I would even say it was nice to see how everything turns out. Although it was necessary to mount the forests, as the house is two-story. We managed in five days, I don’t know for how long or fast. But I was satisfied with the result. A friend said that everything was done according to the rules. The cold has come, but it is already clear that there is a result. The house has changed, it looks amazing, I was already asked if I would sell it. I think this is the result)))
The siding is durable, beautiful, with convenient dimensions, easy to install, inexpensive
I do not even know…
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Siding vinyl
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Frankly, like many here, I have long been choosing which siding to put on my country house. Stopped at Vinilone because of the affordable price. But I did not begin to hide my head in the sand and studied both positive and negative reviews. But it cannot be that the same material is praised and scolded.

I read the forums, talked with experts. In short, so that the siding does not lead to heat and frost - you just need to set it correctly, take into account the thermal linear expansion. Well, there are some other nuances.Of course, I re-read everything that they write about editing on the website, plus I studied the specialized forums, plus I called on the website and talked to tech support. Again I listened to what the dealer said.

When I put the siding - I was in no hurry, so as not to swear later. A neighbor helped me. Well, I can say that over the year of operation, my facade did not burn out, which I am very happy, that means the company wrote the truth about German pigments and additives. So if someone says that this material is bad, I just laugh in his eyes. Siding Vinylon is really cool, if it is installed correctly. The only thing I did not think was that I had to take the drainage system. I bought it this year, already set with the help of the same neighbor)) Impressions are also purely positive. In short, I can tell those who want to put Vinylon siding: follow the installation technology - and you will be happy in winter and summer.
Appearance, reasonable price, good manufacturer website, friendly technical support.
The need to strictly adhere to siding installation technology, although this may not be a drawback.
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more than one year
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Inexpensive and beautiful - it's about Vinyl-on siding
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Last year, a group of like-minded people and I shot a low-budget film. According to the scenario, we needed a country type house in Europe. We don’t have such a thing, only I have a house in the country, but it is quite near Moscow, and still needs repair. Although the roof is quite suitable. Well, here our director also suggested covering my house with siding. Frankly, I did not really like this idea, but taking into account the need for repairs and my minimum investments (the sponsor pays most) I agreed.

We were looking for siding together. Shoveled the entire Internet, argued for a long time on the choice of brand of material. The main criterion was - inexpensive and beautiful, although I wanted him to last such a thing longer. As a result, we chose Vinyl-on branding. I agreed, as I read some reviews on this portal. On the site of the manufacturer of siding Vinyl-on, we chose siding in the color of sandalwood and the nearest official seller and went to him. The manager sold everything he needed and advised us of the installers, but at the last moment the male part of our creative team decided that she could install the siding herself. But I made them read everything about installation on the Vinyl-on website plus contact the manufacturer before installing about any thermal gaps and other nuances.

I have a small house with an attic, but the guys were really afraid to screw up - they were careful. Three days later, we finally got the result. I can say that even I liked it. The house came out really like in Europe. We shot the film - in the frame, my facade looked even better. But what is still pleasant - Vinyl-on siding did not fade in the sun, it resisted frosts, the facade looks almost the same as a year ago. As a result, my opinion about siding has changed. In principle, I am pleased that everything turned out that way. I think Vinyl-on siding should be put on the facade when the budget is limited. But this does not affect the quality in any way)
Nice siding, reasonable price.
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Decent siding
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Our places are quiet, vacationers come to rest. People rent their houses - not very expensive, but real money. I decided a year ago in the spring, and to hand over my house. To do this, he worked hard to repair inside, but by the summer he just did not have time to outside. If you plaster, putty - time will pass, again rubbish, and decent money will still go.In short, I decided to sheathe the house with siding. The brother came to visit, says it is both fashionable and profitable.

I began to search the Internet for sellers and compare. For the most part, they resell someone else's product and often of unknown origin. In short, I'm confused. And suddenly I go to the site And I see a quite interesting product, moreover, from our Russian manufacturer. Characteristics are delicious even to a layman, and, most importantly, it does not fade in the sun and is frost-resistant. Of course, the Vinilon company makes siding from imported raw materials, but the main thing is that the quality is good and the price is not sky-high. One thing is bad, the manufacturer does not sell siding directly, regional sellers are indicated on the site, but still the price for the same Dutchlap Mocha from our distributor was quite affordable.

The manager calculated how much I need a sided side, finishing and starting strips, corners, platbands, profiles. Paid - delivered. Engaged in the installation. It’s good that there are recommendations on how to assemble on the Vinilon website, and their telephone specialist suggested something when I had problems. In short, I did it in two days without really straining, my neighbor helped me, he was also interested in this siding. The house turned out pretty, I passed it quickly. The most interesting thing is that a year has passed and I can say that the Vinylon siding has not faded from the sun and normally withstands frosts. Here is my experience - and then think for yourself.
Nice and inexpensive siding, installation assistance by phone
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