Milling provides almost unlimited possibilities for processing blanks. The formation of edges, grooves and grooves of various depths and shapes - for each operation there are different types of milling cutters for wood for manual milling, allowing you to perform work as efficiently as possible. What are the cutters in size, shape, design and types of blades - all the necessary information in one review.

Mills for a manual milling cutter on a tree types and types

Varieties of shank diameter

Before choosing a cutter, you must first determine the method of attachment, or rather, in what units the diameter of the shank is measured in inches or millimeters. It depends on what kind of collet comes with the milling cutter - bushings in which the shank is clamped:

  • If they are measured in millimeters, then the most common are 6, 8 and 12 mm.
  • When the size is indicated in inches, you usually have to choose from only two of them - a quarter and a half inches.

It is important! When converting inches to SI units, 6.35 and 12.7 mm are obtained, but despite such a slight difference, the millimeter shank is not compatible with the inch collet and vice versa. The shaft of the milling machine rotates at a speed of up to 25,000 rpm, so the slightest discrepancies will entail, at best, damage to the tool.

Types of construction of cutters

Depending on the cost and purpose, they are available in the following structural modifications:

National teams

At the heart of such a steel blank is the necessary shape to which the cutting edges are welded. Due to the simplicity of manufacture, most of these models on the market.

Prefabricated Milling Cutters

With interchangeable cutting edges

They are distinguished by a long service life, since they make the knives double-sided - when the blade becomes dull, it is turned over.

Interchangeable Cutters


The cutting edges are turned right at the base - when working with such tools, even the hypothetical possibility disappears that the knife breaks off, but after a few sharpenings the cutter will have to be changed.

Monolithic milling cutters

Types of Milling Blades

Milling cutters are available with vertical, inclined or spiral arrangement of blades. If they are straight, then pieces of wood will be cut from the workpiece, and inclined ones will cut them, which reduces the likelihood of chips and increases the overall quality of milling.

According to the material and characteristics of the blade, two types are available:

  • HM - High Speed. Used for processing soft wood or aluminum.
  • HSS - carbide. Designed for hard materials, therefore, such cutting edges have a better temperature coefficient and other characteristics, which also affects their price.

In addition to the blades, depending on in which place and in what form you need to get a recess in the workpiece, the corresponding types of mills for manual milling on wood are used.

Grooving cutters

Designed to select the groove of the required width and depth in the middle of the part or from its edge and to the center. Most often used to create a spike-groove joint. If necessary, if the design of the stop of the milling machine allows, the width of the groove can be adjusted without replacing the mill with a larger diameter.

Groove straight

The simplest tool is a cylindrical shape, after using which a groove remains rectangular in cross section in the workpiece. It is mainly used with submersible milling machines, although it is possible to use them with other models.

Grooving Straight Milling Cutter

Groove fillet

Their cutting head has a rounded shape, due to which the groove in the section resembles the letter “U” - depending on the depth of cut, the walls are rounded off immediately from the surface of the workpiece or at first go from it at right angles.

Groove fillet mill

Grooved fillet V-shaped

Although by definition the “fillet” is precisely a semicircular recess, the cutter also refers to the fillet, which gives a “V” -shaped groove in the section. If the work involves the manufacture of grooves with different angles of inclination of the walls, then you must have the appropriate set of tools.

Groove fillet V shaped cutter

Groove structural (T-shaped and dovetail)

In the cross section, the resulting grooves form an inverted letter “T”, the base of which extends to the surface or a regular trapezoid, the larger side of which faces the center of the workpiece. This is one of the most reliable connections, the workpieces are pushed into one another and the other way to separate them will not work.

Dovetail Groove Cutter

Groove T Shaped Milling Cutter

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Groove shaped

Along with fillet, it is used to obtain curly carvings and edge processing. In section, the grooves resemble braces. You can mill as grooves in the center of the workpiece or remove the edges from its edges. If a complex pattern is made, then it is recommended that a straight groove cutter be passed along its contour first - this will simplify subsequent alignment and reduce the load on the milling machine when using a shaped cutter.

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Edge milling machines

Most often made with a bearing, which allows you to process the edges and ends of the workpieces, not only by adjusting the support table, but also according to the template.

Edge straight

To obtain the plane of the end face of the workpiece perpendicular to the face (upper part of the workpiece). If there is a bearing on the cutter, it is possible to process rounded edges. The bearing itself can be set flush with the cutting blades or have a larger / smaller diameter, which expands the possibilities of using accessories.

Edge straight cutter

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Edge molding

To obtain a straight, curved or wavy curved edge - depending on the used part of the cutter, you can soften the edge of the workpiece, round it (double cutters allow you to do this in one pass), make an edge with a fold and sponge, or get a half-rod ledge. Widely used for the manufacture of ornaments of complex shape. When choosing a double cutter, you need to pay attention to the ability to adjust the distance between the cutting blades.

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Edge leveling adjustable
Edge biting adjustable milling cutter.

Edge seam

If necessary, they are used to choose a groove of a rectangular shape or a quarter on a flat or curved workpiece. Using a double pass, a spike of the right size is obtained. The depth of sampling is adjusted by the position of the milling machine or thrust bearing.

Edge seam cutter

Edge cone

Depending on the angle of inclination of the edge of the cutter, they are used to prepare blanks before joining, to obtain a decorative chamfer, or to process furniture parts, which will then be joined into products of a round (polygonal) shape.

Edge cone

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kromochnue konusnue 3

Edge fillet

They are used to obtain a rounded groove on the edge of a straight or curly blank. To eliminate the possibility of tilting the cutter, it is made with two bearings. The result of the work is the same as when using groove fillet milling cutters, but in some cases it is much more convenient to use edge edging.

Edge fillet cutter

Edge curly

Another name is multi-profile. Since they are quite massive and simultaneously work with a large workpiece area, the use of such mills is recommended on milling machines with a power of no less than 1600 watts. For work, the entire profile of the cutter is used immediately or in various combinations, which allows you to get the edge of a standard or specified by the master form.

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Half-rod edge

The direct purpose of the cutter is the processing of the edges of the workpieces to obtain a semicircular protrusion. There are also many additional ways of application - for example, if you process a rectangular blank on both sides with such a mill, then it will become a core.In addition, it is used to obtain profiles with a chamfer and an edge of complex shape, as well as articulated joints (when processing a workpiece paired with a fillet or molding machine).

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Combined milling cutters

They are used for joining and splicing of wooden billets - combining them along the edge (for corner joints) or the end part (to get a wide board from several small ones). Combined cutters combine groove and tenon cutters, and are designed to create both of these elements in one pass. The use of milling for this purpose increases the bonded area of ​​the boards and polishes the surface for their maximum fit to each other.

Combined universal

They allow to obtain compatible planes with a spike and a groove located at an angle to each other. The same mill is used for both merged workpieces - since it does not have to be changed, this significantly reduces the processing time.

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A set of two separate cutters is used - to create a groove in one workpiece and a tenon in another. Additional measurements and adjustments are not required, since the dimensions of the cutting edges are already calculated in the manufacture of the tool.

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For the manufacture of lining

They are used on the same principle as the tongue-and-groove ones, but they allow you to get a curly-shaped connection with a larger contact area of ​​the workpieces, which improves the characteristics of the lining made in this way.

dlya izgotovleniya vagonki

Combined frame

Compound milling cutters, allowing to arrange cutting blades on the axis in the order necessary for the master. Consist of a base, cutting blades, thrust bearings (one or more), a lock washer and a lock nut. When changing the configuration of the cutter, its base is not removed from the collet of the milling machine in order to preserve its initial setting.

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Figurative milling cutters

The main purpose is the decorative processing of the edges of parts designed to create panels. Figure milling cutters are equipped with a bearing, so you can work with rectangular and figured blanks. Since panels are usually large parts, the average diameter of the cutters is 50-70 mm - for their use it is advisable to use a milling machine with a capacity of 1500 watts or more.

Figurine horizontal

Used for partial processing of panels. Since the shape of the cutter involves sampling, starting from the thrust bearing - this does not immediately allow you to get a spike for inserting the panel into the frame. For its formation, additional edge processing is required.

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Figured horizontal double-sided

They significantly simplify the work process, since the processing of the part can be performed in one pass of the cutter, simultaneously forming the curly part of the panel and the spike for the groove cut out in the frame.

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Figurine vertical

First of all, such mills are used for the manufacture of skirting boards of various shapes, but in practice their capabilities are much wider - it all depends on how to set up and hold the milling machine. After processing, a decorative frame and a spike connection are formed on the workpiece.

These are all the main varieties of wood milling cutters for manual milling machines, but you must also take into account that each of them is made in several sizes, so a professional cabinet maker should have a separate cabinet of rather big sizes for storing them.

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figireinue vertikalnue 2

Used photo famous
producer of mills Enkor.

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