The company Bourgeois K produces heating boilers and, located in Kostroma, is the leader in its region. The company specializes in solid fuel boilers. However, the pyrolysis boiler Bourgeois KT 20 long burning is a popular novelty in the manufacturer's assortment. Thanks to the reviews of real owners about Bourgeois K boilers, you will be able to evaluate essentially their positive and negative sides.

Boilers Bourgeois K - reviews of real owners

Boiler Bourgeois K-150
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The pyrolysis boiler is a DECEPTION! I purchased a boiler in 2015, the Bourgeois K-150 model for heating a production room. Contract No. 433 of 08/10/2015 When using the boiler, it was found out that the pyrolysis mode is achieved only when using dry wood with a humidity of not more than 12%, but in this mode the boiler overheats, the temperature of the chimney becomes above 500 degrees (measured with a pyrometer), according to the passport there should be no more 190 degrees. The temperature cannot be adjusted, the boiler cannot be stopped until the wood burns out. When using any other firewood, everything burns like in a conventional solid fuel boiler, without pyrolysis, but with a very low efficiency. The manufacturer plant sold me a boiler from the company TK TeploGarant LLC, which he then closed. The court did not accept claims to the manufacturer of LLC BURZHUY-K, only to the seller. At the factory, the manufacturer uses a Bourgeois K-500 boiler to heat the production, which they use as a conventional solid fuel boiler (without pyrolysis). I was at other factories for the production of pyrolysis boilers in Kostroma, no one is heated with pyrolysis boilers, everyone uses ordinary solid fuel boilers. I am using an ordinary boiler for heating and am ready to sell the pyrolysis Bourgeois K-150 for half the cost.
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a few months
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In principle, everything works well
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The drier the firewood, the better it works and eats less. But cooked crookedly! I had to adjust the lid of the upper chamber, otherwise it did not fit snugly and smoked due to a skew. I had to upgrade the lid of the furnace, since tar accumulates on it. Because of it, the lid is generally sticky and the stench is terrible. I have been living in Asiope since birth, so I’m used to fixing the manufacturer’s jambs with my own hands since Soviet times.

Whoever doesn’t want or cannot fix something, take a German or a Baltic, but there the requirements for fuel are outrageous, as is the price. In general, pyrolysis on raw wood does not work, therefore, gluttony increases and clogs everything and everywhere. if you do not let the wood burn completely, report the next batch before the ash cover is fully opened, then the tar will burn out, and not accumulate on the firebox cover ...
One bookmark burns really 6-7 hours. (these are briquettes), dry wood for even longer than an hour and a half. The boiler is Bourgeois-ten. Heats the house 90 m. No complaints, good
Jamb assembly at the enterprise, check the fit of the covers when buying.
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more than three years
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Review of the boiler "Bourgeois-K"
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I purchased a Bourgeois-K boiler 32 kW in October 2014. Already 3 seasons of excellent boiler operation. Equipment does not bring any trouble at all.

"Bourgeois-K" provides heat to our production room, an area of ​​240 sq.m. with a ceiling height of 5 meters.In addition to firewood in the boiler, we burn waste from the production of pyro-materials. We clean the boiler once a week. Stated in those. passport boiler specifications "Bourgeois-K" fully meets
Practical. Corresponds to the characteristics declared in those. passport. Heats the room well. Low maintenance
Not found. At first, the price was a little embarrassing, but it paid off
Term of use
more than five years
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Probably more disappointed
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I live in Transbaikalia, and it so happened that in 2016 I decided to get rid of the stove at home and put on a bourgeois 20, the heating area is 90sq. And this winter I burned 2 Kamaz trucks of 9 kbuv, and that 18 cubic meters of leafy wood and half a ton of coal! This kapets is so much! With a stove there were enough 8 cubes + an electric boiler for the night. Most likely there is almost no pyrolysis, when it appears it abruptly picks up the temperature of the water, I don’t understand how it appears, I do everything almost the same way (the Grate burned out almost immediately after a month or 2, I bought a suitable living one until now, but it seems melted (

People tell me how to achieve less fuel consumption, what to exhibit? Experimented to stupid but still eats a lot of fuel! In February, I began to smoke very much, let's clean the pipe and at the very end under the fungus everything coked, the torch inserted into the pipe helped, everything burned out and stopped smoking) In short, it’s easier with the stove, and it’s always on the stream. For laying in cold weather for 450 it’s enough for 6-8 hours if completely hammered, and these are two huge armfuls of firewood. Moreover, he began to heat the chocks in half. It seems he keeps warm longer. If it is possible to increase the efficiency of the boiler and to reduce the amount of combustible fuel, tell me please
boiled a couple of times without consequences for my stupidity. I got another specialty - a stoker)
Well, just a monster for eating firewood, you constantly need to monitor him.
Term of use
more than one year
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Bourgeois-K - factory quality, no knee production.
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I bought a TV-solid fuel boiler Tv-24 in November 2016, installed it in an industrial 2-storey building (washing, car service). The area of ​​the heated room is 250 sq. M. m. Very pleased with the acquisition, "Bourgeois-K" working class. The boiler withstood all the frosts. I bought "Bourgeois-K" at the manufacturing plant and never regretted it. Thanks!
Unpretentious in maintenance, warms up the room, as the manufacturer claims, a rare firewood laying is required, quickly installed, works without failures
Now the prices bite a little, but I bought and did not regret
Term of use
more than three years
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Cauldron bourgeois t-20
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I have been using the boiler for the 3rd season, I’ve eaten all well, I haven’t tried everything. ash cleaning once every two days 8. liters then leaves to the garden conveniently and fertilizer. The question is, who is struggling with the growth of wood oil at the outlet of the boiler and through the pipe? Here is perhaps such a drawback. 1st bookmark firewood is enough for 5 hours at a pace. outside air -20 and below in the house +25 at the exit from the boiler it was up to 85 the house was insulated from the outside now I do not raise more than 78. boiler 20 area of ​​the house 105
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more than five years
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It works properly 3rd season. The house even warms - 60 degrees.
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I live in Surgut. The other day it was - 60, and the house is warm. The Bourgeois-K boiler drowns by 5, although the firewood is more used up than usual, but it was 60. Boiler Modern 24 has been working properly for the 3rd season. I bought it directly from the factory - manufacturer Teplogarant. According to my recommendation, the neighbor also bought Bourgeois, everything works for him too.
good work, does not need frequent cleaning, is able to cope with any cold.
Term of use
more than three years
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Bourgeois boiler-t10
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I use the boiler for 2 months, put out all my brains, the chimney is clogged with soot, slag and condensate. The afterburner too. I’m cleaning it every 3-4 days. I tried different ways of heating. It helps nothing. It smokes a lot from all the cracks. Smokes not from the connections of the chimney and the furnace door, but from somewhere under the lining and the rear outlet of the chimney. it feels like the boiler itself is poorly welded. it seems that pyrolysis is not burning, what do I don’t know, how to survive the winter. maybe I got a defective boiler? WHO KNOWS HELP. T-89121189838 Alas, the contract number and the contract were concluded electronically through your representative office in Syktyvkar. I can only give the number and model of the product T 10 A No. 0073 201 5gv with respect Alexander
quickly warms up the room
everything else is one solid minus
Term of use
a few months
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In season 1, the tar clogged the pipe! The pipe was 7 meters! after he increased the pipe to 8 meters everything stopped! Craving became a bang! I also heat aspen once a week! The boiler is cool!
Long burning
Term of use
more than three years
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The boiler is normal in design but made ugly
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All that you can stick crookedly and weld askew is done.
Cheap enough and easy to use.
Everything needs to be checked and what can be corrected - a toy for self-made in my case, the rules were to shut the firebox, digested the hinges, because due to a skew, there was a gap and the boiler did not die out during overheating. When cleaning, I found out that the pipes of the pyrolysis burners are in the boiler, they were crooked during assembly, they were not inserted into the standard openings, they buried themselves in the ash, which disrupted the normal operation of the boiler.
Term of use
more than three years
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