Albau Laminate is an economy-class flooring. It is perfect for those who want to save on repairs, but still use the most modern materials. It is suitable for finishing country houses, as its cost is low. Albau laminate is produced, reviews of which you will find below in China. It is this fact that makes it so inexpensive. It happens that when buying Albau you can find a marriage, and the castle joints are not always convenient for beginners finishers. But the low price justifies these shortcomings.

Laminate albau reviews

Awful quality!
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They bought a laminate from Albau 3 years ago on their own head, regretted it a thousand times during installation, which generally drew attention to it. Now I understand that it was not necessary to save, and rush to cheapness, it was better to overpay, but in the end a more reliable brand would be displayed at home.
Laying to produce one torment! He simply does not click, if you hit the lock, then the coating simply bursts in this place, we are tormented with it, horror, as I recall.

A few boards generally broke, of course the laminate is cheap, but it will have to be pretty tormented with it. They threw it three together and at the same time there were huge gaps, it will be impossible to lay it at all alone. Personally, I will never contact ALBAU again, for me this manufacturer of low-quality products and advise, of course I will not become anyone! The most terrible laminate, do not buy!
Term of use
more than five years
Recommendation to others
Not recommend
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Chinese laminate ALBAU - what price, such and quality
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“Avaricious pays twice” - recently I had to make sure that this proverb was correct from personal experience. The fact is that at the dacha the floors came into complete disrepair, and by the summer season I wanted everything to be “in openwork”. I decided to save on laminate flooring by choosing the cheapest one. In the store I was advised to take Chinese Albau. Outwardly, he is nothing, handsome. The price generally pleased. But when he began to stack it (on his own), he immediately realized what a big mistake he had made while chasing cheap stuff.

The locks did not snap, the cover burst upon impact, in short, nothing happened. I had to invite a specialist and pay for the installation. He, too, was not enthusiastic, but he did the work relatively quickly. 3 months have passed, the floor looks good. But the first scratches and spots have already appeared. It seems that more than 2-3 seasons the coating will not stand. Now I sincerely regret that I was stingy.
low price
styling problems, poor quality
Term of use
half a year
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
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  • Practicality
  • Price
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