Motor-blocks under the Ugra brand are reliable and inexpensive. They are equipped with a gearbox, which also has reverse gear. In the construction of the walk-behind tractor there are no chains and belts, which increases its reliability. Thanks to the two shafts, the walk-behind tractor is considered universal. By attaching attachments to it, you can solve many problems. You can learn about the pros and cons of the brand from the reviews of the owners about Ugra motoblocks.

Motoblocks Ugra - reviews and recommendations of the owners



A comment
A snap ring has flown off - the lower crimp ring on the gear lever. The groove for the ring is small, the ring is weak. The lever popped up, insert until it worked. There is no neutral, not all switch. The ring in the box, it must be removed. Because of this trifle, there is no advice on how to get out of the situation, it seems to me that I will have to drain the oil and have to unscrew the lid. To look for this ring, heapes things there. In general, the season, potatoes need to be planted, but it broke due to nonsense.
Clutch, no belts. No moderators are needed for tillage, it is slow.
Transport speed is very slow. You won’t go far. Inability to change speed according to instructions on the go. Loud box noise.
Term of use
half a year
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Difficult to answer
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Ugra pros and cons
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The gearshift lever immediately flew out, the retaining ring sank into oblivion, or rather in the gearbox, replaced it with a starter from the car. welded lugs. removed the muffler lever. after the first season, the bracket for the hitch came off - welding is weak. set the fuel filter (dv. Lifan). After the second season, the gas cable burst, and what’s most unpleasant, all the mount for the mounted began to loose (although they are constantly being pulled up). These are the minuses. Now about the pluses, there are more of them, and the most important thing is the ability to cultivate any land, I am very pleased with this walk-behind tractor! I advise!
All-earthly, unpretentious, dv. lifane is beautiful, there are no belts, easy to use,
Box howls, weak attachment for hitch
Term of use
more than three years
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Motoblock that works without downtime
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For several years, he collected all the necessary equipment for me for this unit, and now it works for me all year round without downtime. When I bought the device, then a large selection of devices and affordable prices were the reason for choosing this particular manufacturer. Now loading one hundred percent, regardless of the season. In spring and autumn I cultivate the land, plant potatoes and harvest it.

In summer, the block helps with hay. In winter, it doesn’t stand idle either - due to good cross-country ability, I bring all the necessary supply of firewood for the next year from the forestry with its help. The motoblock is fully justified. I’ll also note that for three years I practically didn’t spend money on spare parts, I just changed the wheels and there were no serious breakdowns on the little things. In rural areas, this Kaluga apparatus is of great help to the owner. I advise you to choose this particular brand because of the unpretentiousness of a large set of trailed and attachments and a real price.
a large number of additional equipment, adequate price, unpretentiousness.
Did not notice
Term of use
more than three years
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Real helper
A comment
I can’t get enough of my walk-behind tractor. This is really a real helper. Before he acquired his work on a plot in the village (he inherited), they took all the days off. We can say that we went not to rest, but to work. With Ugra NMB handle everything effortlessly. He even raised a platform where nothing grew except weeds (this year a good crop is planned there, judging by the seedlings). Compact machine, removing the wheels and steering wheel, easily fit in the trunk. The motor pulls perfectly. It’s convenient to work with him. And apparently the walk-behind tractor is made with high quality, the oil does not leak anywhere, no noises and noises are heard.

If you want to not only work in the village, but really relax, buy this machine, I manage to keep the garden in perfect condition with it and there is time for fishing and barbecue. Moreover, it is not so expensive.
Great build, compact.
It does not allow you to get tired at garden work. If you need a good workout for muscles - do not buy Ugra, but do everything manually
Term of use
more than one year
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Pleased with the lack of belts
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An excellent car, the vast majority of motoblocks for such a price has a belt drive - quite simple, but at the same time unreliable. More than once I had to change several times a day. Therefore, I chose Ugra, it is inexpensive and simple, but at the same time with a gear transmission and gearbox. I didn’t work much with this unit yet, but the first sowing in the country house pleased me with its excellent draft and the absence of problems with skidding, stretching belts. I also liked the steering column - comfortable with many settings. Although the steering wheel is adjustable for all modern motoblocks in the “Ugra”, it seemed to me especially convenient, passing the day after it, almost did not feel tired. It’s too early to talk about breakdowns, but judging by the first days there shouldn’t be any - I checked bolts and nuts on no connection to see the reasons for the weakening. No knocks and vibrations are heard, which then, as they say, "go outside." Subjectively, it seems to me that the unit will last a long time.
Gear transmission, reliability, good price
Term of use
a few months
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I did not expect such quality from a domestic car
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Immediately looked closely at imported cars. But comparing the price and learning about the two-year warranty, he stopped at the Ugra NMB-1N5. This is not my first walk-behind tractor both in Russia and abroad, so I can compare it. A rather functional machine pleases the presence of two power take-off shafts, which allow it to be aggregated with any equipment. An excellent engine with good traction (although it should be noted that engines are put on these machines and I can only say about other six-liter Briggs). Not always poured high-quality gasoline, but it has not yet affected. There are also no complaints about the iron, not only serious breakdowns, but even minor faults were not. If you already really try to find the flaws, you can only cling to the design, but this is not the main thing for an agricultural machine.
reliable motor two year warranty;
2 power take-off shafts.
Term of use
more than one year
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Motoblock with excellent functionality
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He worked for me for a season. And not just, but with full dedication. He performed all the work in the areas of his neighbors and acquaintances in the spring. In the summer, too, there was no downtime, I started a small construction site and for the dissolution of poles and rails I connected a circular to the PTO (though I had to be smart with a belt drive). Autumn back to the gardens. So not all 100% experienced it and I can share my impressions.

The machine is quite unpretentious, but at the same time reliable. Reliability of the machine suits. I had to glue the wheels only a few times (there is nothing to drive through landfills) and once I changed the cable on the gas handle. Well, of course, as expected, did maintenance. Compare with the old Soviet units - they had to be completely disassembled almost every month. The machine is more than happy, especially since the price is moderate.
Reliability and low price.
I didn’t find it in a year, I think that in the future it will not.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
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