Plastic windows do not surprise anyone now, they are installed almost everywhere - from shops and offices to luxury apartments and three-story mansions. But their quality is completely different. If at the beginning of their “biography” plastic windows were exotic designs, in appearance resembling a worsened version of serial wooden, as they say “shovels”, and in quality they practically equaled them, then for the price they clearly went into the premium segment. But in the process of technology development, they have become a very competitive product with a number of unique properties.

Modern PVC profile windows are a high-tech product, inexpensive, high-quality, easy to use and, most importantly, maintainable. If replacing a casement or glass in a wooden window is a complicated and expensive procedure (manufacturers of windows and doors made of natural materials often unreasonably overcharge), then ordering a part of the plastic window is quite affordable for any budget.

To make sure the quality and high consumer properties of plastic windows, you just need to read about their characteristics in the article before you and compare them with wooden structures. The text is far from advertising in nature - only objective information. The choice of priorities is up to the reader. Here you will learn how to choose plastic windows, and why some designs are better than others.

How to choose plastic windows correctly

PVC window device

Plastic window device

1. Windowsill.
2. Window frame profile.
3. Bead with gasket.
4. Veils.

5. Window box profile.
6. Double-glazed window.
7. Bead with gasket.

8. Window seal.
9. Low tide.
10. Hardware items.

Next, we will consider each window element in more detail.

What technical characteristics of a PVC profile must be taken into account

The term "profile" in relation to plastic windows and doors refers to the material from which the frames and sashes are created. For vertical and horizontal elements in PVC windows, a complex structure of metal (aluminum or steel) and polyvinyl chloride is used. In cross section, it represents several longitudinal cavities separated by sealed walls. Such cavities are called cameras, the more of them, the theoretically the better - the windows become warmer and stronger.

PVC profile device for window

1. Sealant.
2. U-shaped reinforcement.

3. Bead with gasket.
4. Cameras with a profile.

5. Sealant.
6. Square reinforcement.

Window profiles are produced according to the standard EN 12608 SR (Europe) and GOST 30673-99 (Russia). According to the main indicators, they are almost identical. The main parameters are the thickness of the walls of the external contour and internal partitions. According to these indicators, the profile is divided into three types - “A”, “B” and “C”.

profil a

Profile A.
The thickness of the outer walls is from 2.8 mm, the inner ones are from 2.5 mm. The best profile for residential buildings.

profil b

Profile B.
Outer walls from 2.5 and internal from 2.0 mm. Suitable for installation in heated and unheated rooms. Less resistant to mechanical stress.

profil c

Profile C.
The so-called object (object). As a rule, the wall thickness is not standardized, but less than that of profiles A and B. Such structures are installed in unheated rooms. As a rule - the sashes do not open, the window construction is monolithic.

Metal strips are hidden inside the profile and act as a strength enhancer. Sometimes windows of this design are called metal-plastic, which is more true than just plastic or PVC.The function of metal inserts is very important to ignore.

PVC itself for windows was not chosen by chance. This synthetic material is distinguished by:

  • high weather resistance;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • low cost of production;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent adhesion to most types of paints and varnishes;
  • durability (at least 50 years of preservation of the basic properties);
  • weak conductivity of sound vibrations.

Compared to wood and aluminum, which are traditionally used for window structures, PVC is more preferable for aesthetic reasons. From it it is easy to assemble not only rectangular structures, but almost any geometric configuration.

How to determine profile quality

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying windows is the appearance of the plastic. If the window is not laminated with a decorative film under a tree, then the type of material will tell a lot. High-quality polyvinyl chloride is a monolithic material, completely smooth, uniform in color. If spots are visible on it, or, worse, small or large grains - this is a fake, which is not worth buying in any case.

There are no completely poor-quality windows on the market now - there are a lot of companies offering windows of their own production and only one-day companies can afford to work with cheap materials. Before ordering windows, you need to find out as much as possible about the company's reputation, see its products, etc. It is best to buy products from large manufacturers - a lot of quality equipment plays in the manufacture of windows. Many small companies and workshops cannot afford to buy expensive cars, therefore their products are somewhat worse.

Frame profiles are slightly different. There are separate designs for load-bearing struts, sashes, crossbars). In any case, profiles for the same manufacturer are used for one window, which are cut at the factory to the required length and assembled into one structure. The elements are connected by special welding or mechanical hardware.

PVC used for profile production has a number of features that manufacturers are constantly struggling with:

1. Fairly high linear expansionreaching several millimeters per meter of length. In order to compensate for this phenomenon, it is necessary to leave special gaps, use reinforcement and correctly calculate the number of fasteners. The same feature of the PVC profile limits the maximum size of window structures.

2. Low coefficient of elasticity, but even in factories it is leveled by the use of metal inserts and the correct calculation of the thickness of the inner walls, which are stiffeners.

3. Insufficient temperature stability and UV resistance. Manufacturers also learned to deal with this shortcoming by introducing special modifiers and stabilizers into the composition of PVC, which preserve the color and structure of the material. In high-quality windows, such additives serve no less than the entire structure. They, in most cases, are completely harmless to humans. But if the frame gives off a pungent odor that does not disappear for a long time, do not buy this window. Instead of harmless zinc and calcium, it used lead or cadmium, or even more dangerous chemicals.

The role of air chambers in PVC windows

Closed longitudinal air chambers in window frames play a dual role. This is an effective thermal insulation and structural reinforcement. External chambers, in addition, serve to drain condensate formed inside the cavity due to the temperature difference in the room and on the street. They are connected to the atmosphere at the bottom and water droplets simply flow down the street. The presence of such holes has practically no effect on the overall level of thermal insulation.

Also, they do not spoil the appearance of the window - as a rule, the holes are completely invisible or are closed with decorative caps.If you could not find such technological holes on the front of the window, then this is not a very high-quality design that will last much less than the established time.

Profile Drainage Holes

The thermal insulation properties of the window depend on the number of chambers. There should be at least three for cold glazing of balconies, loggias and technical rooms and at least 5 for windows of residential premises, offices, trade establishments, hospitals and schools.

PVC profile with three cameras
PVC profile with 3 cameras.

PVC profile with 5 cameras
PVC profile with 5 cameras.

More than 5 cameras can be found in high-quality products of famous brands, but already 7 cameras are a clear excess. Studies have shown that with a noticeable increase in weight, thermal conductivity begins to increase - not the volume of the air gap comes to the first place, but the thermal properties of the wall partitions that conduct heat better than air.

PVC windows have recently appeared on the market, the cavities of which are not filled with air, but filled with foamed heat insulators - polystyrene foam, for example, or filled with fiberglass materials. Even with a relatively small number of chambers, their thermal insulation characteristics are significantly higher than air ones. But so far, their price is higher.

Polystyrene filled PVC profile

What affects the width of the profile

The correct choice of plastic windows should be based on a comprehensive analysis of their parameters. One of the main ones is the width of the profile, in the professional language - the mounting depth. For standard windows, it is 50 - 80 mm. If the frame width barely reaches 60 mm, then there are no more than three chambers in it, and with a depth of up to 70 mm there are four or even 5 of them.

Mounting depth

In addition to their own heat-shielding properties, such frames allow you to install more durable fittings, thick double-glazed windows and additional contours of insulation and sound insulation. But the width of the profile does not necessarily indicate the number of chambers - there are profiles with a smaller number of cavities, but with a width of 8, or even 9 cm. According to the general thermal insulation properties, they are better than narrow multi-chamber ones - not the number of cameras plays a role here, but their size and stock air in them. We can conclude that the greater the installation depth, the better the window in terms of thermal insulation and other characteristics.

On the market you can also find windows with a trapezoidal section of the front of the frame, the so-called "Dutch" or "Danish". Their installation depth exceeds 100 mm and often they do not require the installation of external slopes, completely blocking the opening. Such windows are more efficient than regular rectangular ones, but also more expensive than them.

Seat for installation of a double-glazed window

One of the most important parts of a metal-plastic window is a double-glazed window. Both the light transmission of a window and its heat-saving properties depend on its quality - one of the main characteristics, because of which plastic windows are selected.

Which package is installed on the window, largely depends on the seat on the frame, especially on one characteristic - the depth of the package. In good windows, the outer glass should be at least 15 mm from the front cut of the frame, which overlap with a profile fold. For a mounting depth of the frame of 50 -70 mm, the glazing seat ensures this distance of at least 18 mm. Few people pay attention to this parameter when buying, concentrating on the number of chambers and the width of the frame, but for heat-shielding properties it is very important - the smaller the landing depth, the faster the glass will freeze and fog.


Is the wall thickness of the PVC profile important?

When deciding which plastic windows to choose, it is necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the outer walls and partitions. If the outer wall is thinner than 2.5 mm and the inner is 2 mm, then such windows are only suitable for an unheated garage, warehouse or workshop. In a residential building there is little use from them, in the sense of protection from the cold.In addition, a relatively small construction can be assembled from such profiles - in addition to low intrinsic strength, the walls do not allow fastening of powerful fittings.

The stability of geometric shapes, the preservation of angles, the overall strength of the structure largely depends on the thickness of the partitions inside the frame. It is difficult to check the jumpers, you can only hope for the veracity of the information specified in the product passport. This is another fact in favor of choosing windows from large manufacturers - the process is well established there and no one will engage in falsification of products, at the risk of spoiling the reputation and getting millions of losses.

PVC profile reinforcing insert

In itself, polyvinyl chloride, even modified with chemical additives, is not too strong a material in mechanical terms, and also prone to thermal deformations. But in combination with metal inserts, its stability and resistance to mechanical stresses increase by an order of magnitude. It is more reliable to attach to the metal all the fittings, which are many in the modern window.

The reinforcing element of the window is a U-shaped or square profile, which is inserted into the largest chamber located in the center. The thickness of the sheet metal from which the profile is formed is in the range of 1.5 - 2 mm. It is made of galvanized steel and is highly resistant to corrosion. An amplifier is installed in almost all designs, although by standards with a frame length of less than 0.8 m, it can be omitted.

When you buy a window, especially a laminated one, you must know about the availability of a profile. If it is not, then when heated by the sun or in cold weather, the frame will deform. This will not lead to the destruction of the double-glazed window or the window itself, but a violation of the sealing and difficulty with closing will certainly appear.

Reinforced Profile

PVC profile and negative temperatures

One of the important characteristics of metal-plastic windows is frost resistance. This is the ability to maintain the integrity of all elements and heat-saving properties at a certain temperature. For the Russian climate, it is necessary to choose the windows indicated by the "M" index - frost-resistant. They retain all their characteristics up to - 20 0FROM.

In the product passport should be indicated all the parameters of the profile, including resistance to low temperatures, or simply indicate the degree of performance. If it is written that the profile belongs to the normal or frost-resistant type, then you can buy without fear, it is designed for negative temperatures.

Decorative Profile Features

The characteristic white color of a metal-plastic window is becoming less and less popular. He is being replaced by a variety of colors that mimic valuable wood species or simply monochromatic on the RAL scale or other fans of colors from leading paint manufacturers. Decorating a profile makes the finished construction assembly more expensive - the difference can reach 15 - 20%.

The decorated and white window differ in a number of mechanical indicators. The laminated frame, especially in dark colors, is heated more by the sun. This necessitates the mandatory reinforcement of the profile, regardless of the size of the structure.

The surface of the profile is painted in various ways - acrylic coating, spraying, lamination under pressure. More expensive designs use metal or wood linings that are firmly fixed to the outside or inside of the frame. The decoration of the profile itself also concerns - the flat frames that have become familiar are gradually being replaced by rounded or more complex relief.

PVC profile decoration

Who produces quality profiles

The basic profiles from which the window structures are assembled are produced by several dozen factories in Europe, Russia and the CIS countries. How to choose the right plastic windows can tell only one name of the manufacturer.But as a finished product, a lot depends on the specific window collector and its installation. Experience suggests that expensive quality profiles are usually used by responsible performers producing excellent windows.

If you come across a profile of a well-known company, for example, Rehau, KBE, Salamander, Mont Blanc, Veka, etc., then there is a high probability that the window will be of high quality. And if the design is made from the profile of an unknown factory, then hoping for something decent is hardly worth it. But it is impossible to rely solely on the profile manufacturer - the window is a complex structure, the performance of which depends on the interaction of all elements - fittings, double-glazed windows, seals. Only by considering all the components in the complex, you can make a judgment about a particular window.

Choosing a PVC window seal

Tightness is one of the main properties of plastic windows. It is achieved by the use of special sealing elements, which are laid around the perimeter of the wings and prevent the penetration of moisture and cold from the street and heat loss from the house. In addition to these functions, the sealant is also a good noise isolator, not inferior to the best double-glazed windows in terms of decrease in sound intensity.

The sealant must be:

  • as elastic as possible;
  • durable;
  • do not lose their properties at low and high temperatures (- 20 ... + 55 0FROM);
  • do not emit odors and toxic fumes;
  • Do not change colors over time.

Sooner or later, but in the heavy duty seal, withstanding both mechanical and thermal and chemical influences, the material wears out. Replacing is easy even if you select the appropriate seal from the entire range of products offered by manufacturers.

There are several basic modifications of gaskets that differ in some properties and, of course, in price.

The most common are:

Thermoplastic (TPE).

tpe uplotnitel

Thermopolymer (EPDM).

epdm uplotnitel


rezinovui uplotnitel


 silikonovui uplotnitel

Let's consider them in more detail.

Sealant TPE

Seals made of elastic thermoplastic (TPE) are one of the most common due to the possibility of use on automatic assembly lines. It is very convenient for welding, it easily changes its shape when squeezed by the wings, it quite firmly fills the adjoining zone and seals the window under normal operating conditions.

But in somewhat more extreme circumstances, for example, in severe frost or heat, as well as in direct sunlight (UV), it can fail. Having become brittle in the cold and softened in the heat, it very quickly becomes unusable if the window sash is used actively. But with constantly closed shutters (or constantly ajar, in microventilation mode, for example), it will last quite a long time.

In the event of failure, it is quite simple to replace such a seal without resorting to calling repairmen. TRE seals are sold in stores, on sites or in the market. They are inexpensive. It is only important to notice the damage in time so that the repair does not occur in the cold season, when it is not very convenient to open the window.


The most resistant of all seals. It is resistant to abrasion, indifferent to frost and heat, sufficiently resistant to chemical components of urban air and detergents. But its price exceeds TPE and it is quite difficult to buy it, unless you order it from a company that sells and installs metal-plastic windows and doors.

EPDM sealant

A sealant made of ethylene propylene rubber is also a fairly resistant material, which, moreover, is cheaper than silicone. You can find it on the windows of the middle and highest price categories or buy it yourself. True, replacing it yourself is not easy enough, it is better to call the master.


In terms of performance, rubber seals are not inferior to silicone and ethylpropylene, but at a much cheaper price.True, soft rubber is not too durable and, over time, cracks from frost and heat, losing tightness. But replacing it is as simple as TPE seals, so there will be no problems with it.

How to extend the life of seals.

A gasket made of any material can last several years, or it can wear out in one season. It all depends on the level of service. Even such a seemingly small part of the window requires some care. It consists in periodic (twice a year, spring and autumn) cleaning and lubrication with silicone oil. If this is not the case, it is quite successfully replaced by ordinary glycerin.

Even on contaminated seals, it is not recommended to use organic or synthetic solvents. It is better to rinse with warm water and neutral household detergents, dry well and lubricate. Of course, silicone oil and glycerin are not a panacea, but seals can extend the life of seals by several years.

What you need to know about a double-glazed window

Expert advice on how to choose a plastic window will certainly touch the glass, as one of the most critical parts. Like the frame, the double-glazed window is responsible for the level of thermal insulation and noise protection, but, in addition, the level of light transmission depends on the quality of the glass, which is the main function of the window.

Double-glazed window design and the designation of components

A double-glazed window, like a window construction, appeared quite a long time ago, almost 90 years ago. It has become a worthy replacement for double windows, simplifying their design and preserving the basic properties. Their technical essence is simple - two sheets of glass, between which there is an insulating strip that holds them at a certain distance from each other. The air cavity formed between them creates a certain barrier to the leakage of heat from the inside and the penetration of cold from the outside. Moreover, the transparency of such a system is very high, even higher than that of a traditional double window.

Glass unit

1. Distance frames.
2. Glass.

3. Air gap.
4. Desiccant granulant.

5. Primary circuit sealant.
6. Sealant of the second circuit.

Such a double-glazed window is called single-chamber, since there is only one air cavity. If you install another glass on the same gasket (distance frame), you get a two-chamber double-glazed window. Again, the thermal conductivity will be reduced by half, the noise insulation will increase, but the light transmission capacity will decrease by no more than a few percent. When choosing a two-chamber double-glazed window, it is necessary to remember that its weight is 30% more than a single-chamber, of course, higher cost.


The ends of the glass are sealed, the air inside is dry and the glass does not fog up at any temperature inside and outside. In modern double-glazed windows instead of air, inert gas is sometimes pumped, most often argon. Its thermal conductivity is slightly lower than air, but the cost is higher. Whether such a step has been justified with regard to energy conservation is still a debate. But in relation to the price, manufacturers definitely win.

1. Glass unit sizes.

The widespread use of plastic windows with double-glazed windows necessitated their unification and standardization. Currently, packages with a thickness of 24, 26 and 32 mm are produced. Profiles of various manufacturers have different seats, so choose a double-glazed window, in accordance with this parameter.

Given the characteristics of glass, as a material with a certain rigidity, spatial structures like double-glazed windows differ in certain size restrictions. They can be within a minimum of 300 mm on one side and an aspect ratio of 5: 1. But the maximum glazing area should not exceed 3 m2 in a single-chamber bag with glass 4 mm and 4.2 m thick2 with a glass thickness of 5 mm.

You can choose a package by marking - SPO - single-chamber, and SPD - two-chamber.Some manufacturers offer three and four chamber bags, but they turn out to be too heavy and expensive, while reducing thermal conductivity is not too noticeable. There are other ways to reduce energy loss without increasing the number of cameras.

2. Glass selection.

Only specialists know how to choose the right plastic window for the house, focusing only on glass. For the buyer, they are all on one face. But you need to know about the difference in technical characteristics, because the packages use completely different glass modifications:

  • transparent
  • tinted;
  • self-cleaning;
  • with spraying;
  • shockproof;
  • mirror;
  • frosted.

Most of them are based on high-quality float glass with a thickness of 3 - 6 mm. Sometimes you can find packages with 8 mm glass or even 10 and 12 mm glass. But these are windows made to order or for special architectural projects. Thick glass can be found on doors with double-glazed windows or transparent walls. On the windows, 4-5 mm is enough, such glass has a transparency of up to 90% and an acceptable level of heat and noise insulation, with a sufficiently high strength.

For reference: float glass - sheets obtained by the method of casting molten glass melt (melting point about 1000 0С) on the surface of the molten metal with a melting point below this limit (Tin, 231 0С). When the glass cools and crystallizes completely, the tin is still liquid. Under such conditions, a sheet of a given thickness is formed with an exceptionally flat flat surface.

3. Why do I need a remote frame.

The double-glazed window must have exact geometric dimensions, both around the perimeter and in thickness. This is achieved by installing a metal strip between the sheets.

Frames are made of aluminum profile, less often - galvanized or stainless steel and plastic. The metal creates cold bridges around the perimeter of the package, which somewhat worsens the structural properties. Stainless steel has less thermal conductivity than aluminum and galvanization, so the frames from it are better and more expensive.

Metal spacer

In order to reduce heat loss, remote frames made of fiberglass or original sandwich structures made of aluminum alloys and polymers have been developed. But they are still less common than all-metal ones.

Plastic spacer

The role of the frame is not limited to setting the distance. They also perform the functions of a moisture absorber. To do this, their horizontal parts are perforated with the direction of the firmware inside the frame. There, in the cavity of the frame, a special absorbent is filled in, which actively absorbs moisture from the chamber and prevents fogging and freezing of windows in winter. The presence of such a desiccant is mandatory, without it condensation will necessarily appear inside.

These reagents are manufactured industrially by several chemical companies, the most famous and popular of which are CECA, Grace Davison, Degussa. Sometimes silica gel known to everyone is still used, but technically it has long been outdated and shows the worst results.

Frames are produced in several standard sizes, which are in the range of 6 - 24 mm. The most commonly used inserts are 10 - 15 mm. The dimensions of the frames are precisely calculated - if their thickness is less than 6 mm, glass can deform when pressure drops inside the chamber as a result of cooling, and convective flows appear in chambers wider than 24 mm, which significantly reduce heat-saving properties.

4. How to seal a double-glazed window.

The edges of the double-glazed window are sealed without fail - if the camera is connected to the atmosphere, its thermal conductivity increases sharply, and the transparency worsens. In addition, the cured sealant functions as an external rigid frame, increasing the overall strength of the glass.

Sealing is carried out by two structures at the same time. An internal butyl sealant is applied between the non-perforated sides of the distance frame and the glass. It does not freeze and protects the camera from the penetration of gases and moisture from the outside.He is not afraid of temperature deformations - glass and frame within narrow limits can slide on each other's surface without forming cracks and voids.

The second layer, the outer one, is a hardening polymer, silicone or epoxy resins with sufficient elasticity so as not to compromise the integrity of the bag during thermal expansion.

Sealed double-glazed window

Performance characteristics of a double-glazed window

Unlike ordinary window glass, a double-glazed window differs in complexity of a design and the expanded list of functions. Like any complex technical product, it has many characteristics, among which there are really important, and there are secondary ones that you should not pay attention to when choosing.

The main characteristics are only a few:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • soundproofing;
  • strength.

Guided only by them, it is possible to choose a double-glazed window for any climatic zone, structural type of a house and even orientation of windows to the cardinal points. Depending on them, the window design, the number of wings and other features that affect the usability are also selected.

1. Thermal conductivity.

One of the most important characteristics. The area of ​​the frame along all contours is much smaller than the area of ​​the glazing. The highest quality five-six-chamber profile will lose all its advantages if a low-grade double-glazed window is mounted in it. In terms of energy efficiency, glazing should not be inferior to the profile, or even exceed it. This is difficult to achieve, given the size of the double-glazed window, but during the time from the start of operation of plastic windows in this direction a huge step forward has been taken.

Constant monitoring of windows and doors that have been in operation for many years has allowed manufacturers to develop new methods and approaches for the production of double-glazed windows, as well as profiles.

The main directions that have been implemented towards improving the efficiency of windows are only three:

  • increase in the number of cameras;
  • energy-saving deposition of metal oxides on glass;
  • filling the chambers with inert gases.

The increase in the number of cameras has a natural limitation - weight. With a decrease in thermal conductivity by 35% compared with a single-chamber, a two-chamber is as much heavier. You can increase the weight even more, but in this case you will have to use more powerful fittings, which will necessitate the reinforcement of reinforcing elements. As a result, the window will become unbearable with a not so big increase in energy saving.

If we take into account the cost of such a window, then all the savings from lowering the cost of coolants will go to the purchase of a window. The second option was also used - an increase in the size of the camera itself, instead of 14 mm the distance between the glasses was suggested 16 or more. In a two-chamber package even frames up to 18 mm wide are used. But here there is a physical limit - the thickness of the glass unit cannot increase indefinitely.

A more impressive result was given by another method - spraying on the glass the thinnest metal film, which reflects part of the heat rays back into the room. It turned out to be even more effective than increasing the number of cameras and expanding distance frames. When using a sprayed film of tin, the so-called K-coating, the loss reduction in a single-chamber package reaches 25%, and in a two-chamber package more than 30%, if used together with inert gas injection into the chamber.

The second type of spraying - i-coating is created using rare earth metals. If you see the E-low marking on the glass or frame (low energy or soft), you can be sure that the window is really energy-saving. Such glass, unlike K-glass, is installed only from the side of the room, reversing the film towards the camera.

This is to protect against mechanical damage. If K-spraying is practically not afraid of external influences, then the “soft” coating is quite sensitive.But on the other hand, the effect of energy saving is more noticeable - over 30% in a single-chamber package, and when downloading krypton, argon or xenon to the camera, it reaches 40%. And all this happens without increasing the mass of the sash, only due to innovative technologies.

Heat-saving double-glazed window

2. Soundproofing.

High sound-proofing properties of a double-glazed window are correlated with heat-insulating. In both cases, when the distance between the glasses in the bag increases, its properties improve. For example, with an increase in the width of the distance frame by only 2 mm, the sound insulation coefficient changes in the direction of improvement by about 10%. If you use a two-chamber package, then the room will become quieter by about 45% compared to a single-chamber one.

A good effect is also obtained by filling the chamber with inert gas. If argon is pumped instead of air, then the soundproofing properties will improve by 8 - 10%. Often, in order to increase sound insulation, special acoustic films are glued onto the glass or glued glass such as triplex is installed. It costs more, but the effect of their use is more noticeable.

Noise-absorbing double-glazed window

3. Security.

Glass is a rather dangerous material; in case of destruction it forms sharp fragments that can cause dangerous injuries. The glazing of metal-plastic windows has a large area, so the risk of breaking a double-glazed window is greater than ordinary glass in old-type windows.

In order to increase safety, a number of technical methods have been developed that make it possible to make a double-glazed window if not completely, then much safer. The first on the improved glazing list is tempered glass. It undergoes a special heat treatment, which partially changes its internal structure. Similar methods are used to change the properties of steel and other metals.

The result is an increase in mechanical bending, tensile and impact strength. If, nevertheless, the impact was too strong, exceeding the tensile strength, then the glass crumbles into small fragments that practically do not have cutting properties. In industrial conditions all types of glasses are tempered, including those with K-spraying. In the process of hardening, only mechanical properties are changed, the level of light transmission, heat-insulating and noise-absorbing coefficients remain at the same level.

The second, quite effective way of reinforcing glass is lamination. Glass is glued together with a transparent polymer film and two sheets of glass are joined with a transparent glue. Such designs are used in the automotive industry, where they are used under the name triplex. With a strong blow, the pieces do not crumble, but remain glued to the film. Based on triplex technologies, combining various types of glass and films receive burglar-proof glass packets.


Reinforced glass has even greater protective properties, in which special metal or transparent polymer nets are used instead of film. Such glasses are most often used in production or in public buildings, but in apartments on the ground floors, in dachas and in country houses, they are quite appropriate and justified.

4. How to protect yourself from the sun.

Sunlight can bring not only joy and pleasure, but also cause a lot of trouble, especially if the windows face the south or southeast side. Even dense curtains do not always save. But double-glazed windows with increased protection from direct sunlight have been developed for a relatively long time and are actively used in practice.

We are talking about glasses with low emission sputtering or tinting with metal oxides. Tinted glass is cast in various shades of blue, green or other colors and absorb up to 50% of the sun. But the transparency of the glass is reduced. With the same success it is possible to use mirror glasses that do not allow most of the light outside and do not allow you to look inside the room. But from the inside, little is visible through them.

Glasses with i-spraying are very effective.They are completely transparent, skipping almost the entire visible spectrum, but delaying the most dangerous for vision ultraviolet and thermal infrared radiation. In the summer, in rooms protected by such glasses, it is never hot, and in winter the heat rays from the room cannot leave it, reducing heating costs.

5. Additional items.

The double-glazed window can be improved in various ways, for example, by installing in the chamber, between the glasses, decorative elements called spros, which allow you to create a very decorative look of windows.


mezhstekolnue shtrosu


 venecianskie shtrosu


 konstrukcionnue shtrosu

Built-in blinds and roller blindsallowing you to shade the window at any time. Systems are built into the window at the factory and are completely maintenance free. The restriction to their use is only the width of the camera (distance bar). It should be at least 20 mm.

Embedded systems are controlled manually, using the rods displayed on the window frame; magnetic control or electric motors are often used. All built-in mechanisms are sealed and the basic properties of the glass unit and the window as a whole are not reduced.

Double-glazed window with shutters

Visual inspection of a double-glazed window - what elements need to be paid attention to

When choosing a double-glazed window, there are a number of signs that will clearly show a quality product in front of you or a makeshift fake disguised as factory products. It is the most difficult to fake a double-glazed window - the features of the manufacturing technology are such that all the requirements for the package cannot be met if there is no complex industrial equipment.

The first step is to look at the markings that are applied to each glass unit. It indicates the date of manufacture, the manufacturer’s logo and data on components. If there is no marking, then the double-glazed window should cause suspicion. Also on the glass should not be chipped, cracked or any other defects of the planes or ends.

Carefully inspect the cameras around the perimeter. Liquid sealant should not be visible along the spacer bar. If there are leaks, then the double-glazed window is clearly not factory-made. Also pay attention to the layer of the outer sealing compound. It should be even and smooth. If there are sagging or cracks, it lay heterogeneous, then the package is of poor quality.

Armed with a tape measure, check the accuracy of the geometry. For this, diagonals are measured. If the difference in lengths is more than 3 mm with a window side of 1.3 m or more than 4 mm with a side of up to 2.3 m, then the size of the glass unit is too inaccurate to meet factory standards. We also measure the thickness of the package, a caliper is already needed here - the deviation should not exceed 1 mm.

If you use a square and measure the displacement of the glass planes, then it also should not be more than 1 mm for any thickness of the package. For transparency and the presence of water and steam inside the package, you can check it visually, just by looking at the light.

All identified defects are obvious signs of marriage. As you can see, the tolerances are quite strict, therefore, it is possible to determine the quality of a double-glazed window independently, using improvised means, without resorting to the services of an expert.

We choose the accessories of the plastic window

If the profile and the double-glazed window are responsible for thermal conductivity, sound insulation, transparency, then the fittings are responsible for the overall design functionality. It depends on her how convenient it will be to use the window and how long it will last.

Features of the device, functioning and varieties of fittings

We are talking about high-quality factory fittings, which are easy to determine even by appearance. The fact is that the accessories for a metal-plastic window are not just hinges and latches, but a complex system of opening, pressing, sealing, air exchange and protection against penetration from the outside and unauthorized opening from the inside.

Large flaps can open at different angles and can be switched on in micro-ventilation mode only by turning one handle.This allows you to do without window panes, which reduce the effective area of ​​the glass and clutter up the window with unnecessary details. It immediately becomes clear that the window control system is quite complex and it is not easy to fake it.

But you can create a copy that looks almost the same as the original. How to recognize a fake? First you need to get acquainted with the design features of equipping windows.

A feature of the accessories for metal-plastic windows is that it surrounds the sash in a circle and is firmly fixed to it. The most common is a tilt-and-turn, which provides the movement of the sash in different planes. It is built on a modular system and is inserted into a special hardware groove. The bar and groove in width must exactly match each other. If there are differences, then the hardware does not meet the standard.

The hardware includes:

  • locking mechanism with a control handle;
  • the upper group of loops connected to the scissor-type bracket;
  • lower group of loops;
  • angle switch module.

Accessories for a plastic window

Force transfers between the modules are carried out by metal tapes and combs, which are part of the modules, or supplied separately. Fittings are usually assembled at the factory, only certain types of adjustments are made at the facility.

The fittings provide at least three support points in any position of the sash. For different types of windows, its own hardware is produced, which allows movement in a certain plane.

Swivel - traditional, familiar and familiar from ordinary wooden windows. Allows the leaf to rotate around a vertical axis. As in wooden structures, it is divided into right and left.

Folding - the sash can rotate along the horizontal axis, reclining 1800. Moreover, the sash can open both up and down, depending on the installation location of the mechanism. As a rule, the rotation angle limiter is additionally installed so that the sash opens only at an acceptable angle.

Swiveluniversal. It provides both rotation along the vertical axis, and partial tipping from the top of the window horizontally, with lower fastening. The opening option is adjusted by simply turning the control knob at a certain angle. This is the most difficult version of the hardware, but at the same time the most convenient in various conditions.

Swivel plastic window fittings

Movable - provides frame displacement in the plane of the window. It is used most often on balconies and loggias, windows on the wall. Even more difficult is the tilt-and-slide, which allows both to open the doors or windows in the upper part, tilting them, and to shift them to the side.

Sliding plastic window fittings

Plastic windows are characterized by a large mass of shutters, especially when using double-glazed windows. Accessories must withstand quite serious loads. Standard fittings are designed for a mass range from 50 to 130 kg, which is quite enough for windows in residential buildings and apartments. Designs on special order, characterized by complexity of configuration or large sizes, are equipped with reinforced fittings, with the ability to withstand sashes weighing up to 200 kg.

The best fittings are designed for 50-60 thousand cycles with a 10-year guarantee. Average, but quite reasonable in price and quality - for 10,000 cycles. A cycle means all four consecutive actions - opening in two positions (airing and swinging) and closing one by one.

Fittings are adjusted using a hex key, but before you start, you need to study what movement will lead to what. If you have never dealt with adjusting windows, it is better to call the wizard.

Auxiliary fittings

High-quality professional fittings can be supplemented with individual devices for:

  • slotted ventilation;
  • rotation restrictions;
  • microlift work:
  • stepwise tilt of the sash;
  • protect the sash from falling out;
  • protection against incorrect movement;
  • rotation lock;
  • child access restrictions.

All devices are ordered when measuring windows and drawing up a contract for the installation of windows, or are purchased and mounted separately.

Hinges are usually located in the open position, in the public domain. But windows with hidden hinges also appeared on the market. So far, they are quite a rarity and are considered innovative, but their capabilities make it possible to think that the future lies with them.

Hinged hardware

All fittings, including accessories, are made from the best steel grades with anti-corrosion coating. Some parts that do not carry high loads may be from other alloys, but in no case plastic. Only plugs or decorative covers can be made of polymers. If the windows are installed in a private house or on the ground floor, it is advisable to order burglar-proof fittings that protect against unauthorized opening of the sash from the street.

Hardware manufacturers

The following manufacturers produce high-quality fittings - Winkhaus, Roto, Siegenia-Aubi, G-U (Gretsch-Unitas), Maco. They are highly resistant to mechanical influences (withstand loads up to one and a half tons), special crossbar devices included in the frame, multidirectional axles of the central lock, and a plate for protection against drilling of the lock and loops.

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