One of the ways to install a warm floor is to use hot water for heating. Hot water pipes are laid under the floor, and such floors are connected to an autonomous heating system. Reviews about the warm water field will help you understand its characteristics and the feasibility of its installation in an apartment and a private house.

Water floor heating - user reviews and opinions

Water heat-insulated floor ROSTerm
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In general, I decided to play it safe and, in addition to convectors, made a warm water floor. I bought Rosterm pex pipes in Leroy, they are sold in bays of 100 and 200 meters. Which is very convenient. The price pleased me very much, because in other stores analogues were more expensive.

I installed the pipe on the floor myself, but a specialist connected it to the mixing unit. 200 meters of the bay was enough for me for 3 circuits. Clamping couplings also took rosterm.
Honestly, the warm floor warms up almost the entire house, you can safely drown.
The possibility of heating the entire house, the cost-effectiveness of the system.
Term of use
half a year
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Water warm floor Valtec
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Recently, more and more people refuse conventional heating with radiators, so I decided to abandon them and entrust the heating to Valtec's warm water floor. Why did I choose this particular company? Everything is very simple, this company uses polyethylene pipes, which are distinguished by their high reliability, quality and durability.

Initially, you need to level the floor surface, then you need to lay the insulation, which will prevent the passage of heat down. I laid a foam 20 mm thick. A reflective film was placed on top of it. In general, it is not necessary to install it, but since there is a basement under us, I decided that it would be more reliable with it.

Then he proceeded to installing the pipes, securing them with brackets. He connected the ends of the pipes to the distribution manifolds, and filled everything with a screed. He survived for a month, after which he began to use warm water floors.
availability, reliability, ease of installation, energy efficiency
if installed incorrectly, the floor may rise, together with the entire floor covering
Term of use
more than three years
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I recommend
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  • Practicality
  • Price
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Water heated floors are more profitable than electric
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In the bathroom I made a water-heated floor, tired of walking on a cold tile. Installation was carried out independently, I did everything for the first time, so it was a bit heavy, but nothing good on the forums you can find a lot of useful information on the installation. He mounted it from polypropylene pipes, previously soldered them together by bends, every 10 cm. He placed 3 taps on the wall, the first serves to block the heating, and the rest are needed to start the water-heated floor.

From above, the whole thing was flooded with a screed and laid tiles. Heats the floor well, I even thought it would work worse. Satisfied completely, with regard to profitability, I can tell you with confidence that living with water-heated floors is much cheaper than for example with electric ones. I am satisfied, all my expectations have been met, I live with the floors, the second year and there are no problems with them.
Profitable and efficient floors
Term of use
more than three years
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  • Practicality
  • Price
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On the ground floor, heating is only due to the water floor.
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The first floor of my house is entirely heated by underfloor heating. Radiators are not installed at all, and at the same time my whole family feels comfortable even in severe frosts. But, however, it must be borne in mind that in the operation and installation of this type of heating is expensive.

The materials and installation process are much more expensive than radiators. In addition, special components are required that are able to monitor the temperature, otherwise the floor covering may quickly lose its attractive appearance.

Operating costs can go off scale if the water floor is not installed correctly. And more precisely, with non-compliance with the basics of styling.
Convenient and practical, well heated
Installation costs
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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