This article will help you figure out whether to install stretch ceilings in the bathroom, as well as what are the features of their application. You will learn all the pros and cons of this material.

suspended ceiling in the bathroom types of pros and cons

Features of using a stretch ceiling in the bathroom

Should I use a suspended ceiling in the bathroom, taking into account the pros and cons of this material, as well as all the features of the room? Its application is possible, however, first of all, it is necessary to understand the varieties of these structures. The main difference is the material of the stretch ceiling.

Stretch ceilings are divided into two types:

  • tissue;
  • film.

Fabric stretch ceiling in the bathroom

The fabric ceiling is a fabric made of interwoven polymer fibers. It is easy to install and does not require heating. Due to the structural features, it passes air well. As a result, the ceiling plate is ventilated naturally.

This is especially important for the bathroom due to high humidity and the possible occurrence of mold. However, at the same time, moisture adversely affects the fabric, so in the bathroom it is recommended to give preference to a film ceiling.

Fabric Samples
Samples of fabric.

Film stretch ceiling in the bathroom

In the ceiling of the film type, PVC film is used, the main advantage of which is moisture resistance. In addition, the design of the stretch PVC ceiling avoids leaks. For example, if there was a breakthrough in communications or another unforeseen situation on the top floor and water poured onto the ceiling, it is enough to dismantle one of its corners and drain the accumulated water. After that, the film coating is attached back - there are no traces.

Hot steam and moisture do not affect the film ceiling. Water droplets that appear on the surface dry out over time or roll down. They do not leave marks on the coating, the color remains uniform over a long service life.

Unlike fabric construction, the installation of the film involves its heating. Thus, it is difficult to independently establish the ceiling - special equipment is required. After heating, the material is stretched over the entire surface and attached to the profiles.

PVC stretch ceiling
Film stretch ceiling in the bathroom.

Pros of using stretch ceilings in the bathroom

Stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • quick installation;
  • ease of care for light soiling;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • hiding communications

Moisture resistant

Manufacturers of building materials are working to ensure that in specific rooms, such as a bathroom, various finishes can be used. Compliance with all installation rules allows you to use even drywall, which will normally come in contact with moisture.However, no design will protect the bathroom like a stretch ceiling does.

Stretch ceiling after the flood
Stretch ceiling after flooding from above.

In bathrooms there are high chances of unforeseen situations. In particular, this concerns residents of apartment buildings. If a neighbor has a break in the bathroom from above, water will probably be on the ceiling of the lower floor. The presence of a film structure provides an opportunity not to worry about repair, since the film is able to collect moisture on the inner surface without passing it lower.

See how the process of draining water occurs:

Safety and environmental friendliness

The problem of dampness and mold in the bathroom is common. A warm, humid environment is ideal for microorganisms. However, the PVC film does not rot, which is the key to the absence of fungus. The material is not subject to fire and does not react with chemicals used in everyday life.

Environmental friendliness is not the last thing. The ceiling is regularly exposed to high temperature and moisture, but is safe in this regard. No harmful substances are released in high-quality stretch PVC ceilings, so you can not worry about harm to the body.


If the design is installed correctly, you can forget about repairing the bathroom for 15-25 years. Each manufacturer determines its own warranty period.

Quick installation

A huge plus of the stretch ceiling is the installation within a few hours. The installation of the tension structure takes no more than two hours, since the whole procedure consists only of installing profiles, PVC fasteners and connecting lighting fixtures. It is not necessary to wait for the drying of surfaces, etc. The speed of installation can significantly reduce repair work.

Mounting a stretch ceiling
The process of installing a stretch ceiling.

Easy care for light dirt

In terms of care, the canvas also does not cause problems. It is enough to regularly wipe the surface with a damp cloth to get rid of light impurities.

process uhoda za potolkom

Some tips on caring for a PVC ceiling can be found in the video:

Aesthetic appearance

The bathroom should be fun, because often it becomes a place for relaxation, relaxing water procedures. Therefore, you need to take care of the aesthetic appearance. Stretch ceiling construction comes to the rescue in this case.

A variety of shades of PVC canvas allows you to choose the best option that fits perfectly into the style. The coating is distinguished by a glossy texture - the effect is achieved only with the help of a polyvinyl chloride cloth. Other options, such as drywall, have only a satin or matte finish. Gloss can be advantageously involved in the design of the room, in particular, visually increase the space.

natyazhnoy potolok v vannoy pvh 1

natyazhnoy potolok v vannoy pvh 2

natyazhnoy potolok v vannoy pvh 3

Hiding communications

Above the stretched ceiling, you can hide various communications, insulation layers and other details that spoil the design of the room.

Cons of using stretch ceilings in the bathroom

Despite the advantages of using suspended ceilings in the bathroom, there are also disadvantages:

  • the need for specialized equipment and difficulty in finding an artist;
  • complication of cleaning with heavy pollution;
  • mechanical damage;
  • the need for special fixtures and lamps;
  • bad smell;
  • loss of room height;
  • cost;
  • collapse effect.

The need for specialized equipment and difficulty in finding an artist

Although the installation procedure is simple, it requires special equipment. It is best to entrust all the work to specialists. However, practice shows that it is difficult to find craftsmen who will take up work on a small area of ​​the bathroom. The same applies to coating repairs in the event of various damage.

Complicated cleaning when heavily soiled

It is not difficult to monitor the purity of the film, but do not delay the cleaning process.It must be remembered that mechanical stress is contraindicated, as is the use of aggressive detergents. Therefore, it is very difficult to wash heavy contaminants from the canvas.

Mechanical damage

The material is characterized by high strength and elasticity, however, mechanical damage is still possible. If even a small puncture has formed on the surface (for example, a film was accidentally pierced with a sharp object), in the near future it can turn into a huge hole. This is facilitated by the tension of PVC. If on the sides of the structure a specialist can return the ceiling to its previous form, then damage located closer to the center is irreversible.

povrezhdenie potolka 1

povrezhdenie potolka 2

The need for special fixtures and lamps

It is important to use suitable lighting fixtures during the installation process. PVC cloth does not like overheating, so you should take care of using LED lamps in the lamps, which do not create strong heating. In addition, it is necessary to avoid the use of lamps in which the bulbs are directed upwards and shine directly on the ceiling. The light should go down from the ceiling, otherwise, due to the glossy surface of the PVC film, very bright, cutting eyes will be created.

svetilnik v natyazhnoy potolok

Bad smell

In the first few days after installation, polyvinyl chloride can emit an unpleasant odor. This disadvantage is associated with the heating of the film and should disappear within a week.

Loss of room height

When installing a stretch ceiling, there is a slight loss in the height of the room due to the fact that the canvas is always mounted below the base ceiling. The minimum loss of height is 3 centimeters, but often this figure is greater.

opuskanie potolka


When choosing a finishing material, price plays an equally important role. In this regard, tensile structures lose because they are several times more expensive compared to some other options. For example, a square meter of PVC lining will cost a maximum of 80 rubles, and at least 500 rubles will have to be laid out for a stretch ceiling.

Collapse effect

And the last unpleasant phenomenon that can happen is “collapse”. This is a defect in the tension structure, in which the film is attracted to the ceiling base. Its cause is reduced pressure in the inter-ceiling area.

Below is a simple and understandable diagram, where:

  • 1-box electricity distribution;
  • 2-concrete ceiling;
  • 3-pipe heating;
  • 4 stretch ceiling.

The red arrows show how air leaks through leaking slots. It is easy to understand when the air is drawn out, the stretch ceiling rises, and with reverse traction, the ceiling drops down.

Collapsing PVC ceiling

To avoid such problems, before installing a stretch ceiling, pay special attention to the integrity of the base ceiling, so that at the joints of walls and ceiling ceilings, in places where pipes go to the ceiling, as well as next to electrical junction boxes and near hoods, everything is tight.

Watch a detailed video on this topic:

Will you mount a suspended ceiling in the bathroom?

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