Septic "Fast" is produced by an American company and is an innovative way to treat domestic and sewage. The company's products have long been on the market and have many advantages: a service life of 50 years, no need for service, reliability and durability of the system, which is almost impossible to damage. The septic tank "Fast" in terms of comfort is close to a centralized sewage system. Positive and negative reviews about the septic tank "Fast" will help to learn about its shortcomings.

Septic Fast - reviews and experience using



Septic micro fast 0.5 excellent quality autonomous sewage.
A comment
We have been using micro fast 0.5 septic for about 3 years. Family of 3 people. Guests often stay with us. We ordered a complete installation supervision: earthworks, installation of tanks, installation, connection and commissioning of equipment. Maybe this is why there were no problems with the operation for the entire period of use. I try not to use harsh household chemicals and aggressive detergents. however, as neighbors said, this is unnecessary. The bacteria used for biological treatment do not die off completely even after periodic addition of chlorine directly to the tank. After that, a putrid smell of a compost pit came out of the exhaust pipe, but after 1.5-2 hours everything stopped. The pipes do not overgrow, the sludge simply falls off and accumulates at the bottom of the tank. After about 2 years, I had to clean it for the first time.
Autonomy of work, does not require supervision.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Sewer system based on septic tank MicroFAST, worth the money
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When it came time to install a sewer system, I insisted on the most effective and reliable, since in the future I plan to move to a cottage for permanent residence. After numerous crawls on the forums, I chose MicroFAST. The main selection criterion is the reliability of the manufacturer.

The company made the installation quite quickly. They cast a caisson directly on the site, hung the septic tank system inside on anchor fasteners and mounting tapes, and brought a sewer pipe from the house. In the box where the bacteria are located, they stuck a regular gray pipe of 50 mm and connected the compressor.

The main advantage of a septic tank is its highly efficient aeration compartment. It is because of intensive aeration that such a good cleansing occurs. The power consumption of the compressor is 1.25 sq / h. However, to save electricity, I turn it off during the day and turn it on for 12 hours at night, which is enough for the bacteria to work effectively.
Good performance and autonomy.
High price.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Septic Fast - high reliability at an affordable price
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I have been using the FAST system for 4 years now. For all this time, no serious problem was noticed that required immediate intervention or suspension of the septic tank. I was especially pleased that there were no problems with chlorine, detergents and all kinds of bioadditives that regulate the biological component of cleaning in other septic tanks. Judging by the level, I constantly have about 1.5 tons of effluents in the main tank, the concentration of a substance of any level of aggressiveness in such a volume quickly disappears.As a compressor for pumping air into the aerator, a rotary unit is used, which is much more powerful and more productive than a membrane one. Even if a large amount of chlorine gets into it (it was a couple of times at the beginning of operation due to oversight and ignorance), the colony of bacteria does not completely die off and after a while is restored.
1) good cleaning
2) high reliability
3) low cost.
Term of use
more than five years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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