One of the most common types of insulation is stone wool. Its second name is a basalt slab. The material does not burn, is easily cut to the required dimensions and does not affect the foundation due to its light weight. But today there is such a wide variety of manufacturers and brands of this type of insulation that it is sometimes very difficult to make a choice. Therefore, we compiled a rating of stone wool insulation, showing which stone wool is best suited for a particular application.

The best stone wool insulation

The selection of goods was carried out on the basis of reviews, opinions and ratings of users posted on various resources on the Internet. All information is taken from public sources. We do not cooperate with manufacturers and trademarks and do not call for the purchase of certain products. The article is for informational purposes only.

Paroc is a Finnish brand with a rich history

One of the leading European manufacturers of stone wool is the company Paroc, which has been producing products of the same name for about 80 years. The company itself is part of the large Owens Corning concern. Paroc is headquartered in Finland, while other offices are based in 13 more countries.

The main types of products are insulation and refractory materials for buildings under construction and reconstruction, various types of insulation for repairs, acoustics, insulation of ships and industrial premises. The brand colors of the packaging are bright red and white, which is recognizable in 40 countries where their products are sold.

Paroc basalt slabs have a long service life and low thermal conductivity, but for each specific place of use, you should choose a product from a certain category. The manufacturer has specialized lines of basalt insulation for facades, roofs, foundations and general thermal insulation.

General construction stone wool insulation

When reconstructing a part of a house or building a new one, it is necessary to warm up many parts at once: floor, roof, facade, attic. If the region is cold, then additional insulation on the walls inside is required. Buying a lot of specialized materials for a particular installation site is sometimes unprofitable. Sometimes it is better to choose among universal heaters, which have average indicators and characteristics that allow you to use them anywhere.

In this insulation category, Paroc has four types of cotton wool:

  • eXtra - Great for walls, roofs and floors. It does not burn and easily fits at any angle. Differs in low shrinkage.
  • eXtra light - similar in properties to the previous one, but stands out with its light weight, which is well suited for warming various parts of frame houses so as not to add weight to the structure. Her thermal conductivity does not decrease from this and is 0.038 when exposed to a temperature of 10 degrees.
  • eXtra plus - This is a more expensive version of the insulation related to the premium class.In addition to fire protection and sound insulation, it even more restrains the transmission of low temperatures due to the thermal conductivity of 0.034.
  • eXtra Smart - has the same properties as other universal plates in this category, but also has increased flexibility without losing elasticity. Such stone wool is the best for isolation in hard to reach places.

paroc extra
Paroc eXtra.

Thermal insulation Paroc for plaster facades

If it is planned to decorate the building with a layer of plaster from the outside, then insulation of the facade is required with cotton wool, which can withstand the subsequent load from the applied mortar. For this, Paroc produces basalt slabs of a separate category with the names Fatio and Linio. These materials are resistant to the alkaline environment inherent in stucco mortar, and therefore are not subject to shrinkage or corrosion. Installation is carried out using a steel reinforcing mesh, which increases the strength of the facade and the reliability of fixing of facing materials.

The Linio range of stone wool is available in indices from 10 to 80, which implies the tensile strength of the surface on the outside. The value in kPa is measured and determines which layer of plaster can be applied to the slab. The thicker the decorative finish with cap materials, the higher the number should be in the name of the basalt wool of this category. The surface of the insulation is specially made especially smooth so that it is easier to level the subsequent layer of plaster on it.

paroc linio
Paroc Linio.

Paroc thermal insulation for flat roofs

A flat roof has its own characteristics - it needs reliable insulation, able to withstand both the pressure of water and snow, and waterproofing materials and users passing through it to perform work or other technical purposes. To do this, Paroc produces a special category of stone wool series ROB and ROS. Plates and rolls of insulation have a height of 60 to 180 mm.

They withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees without loss of useful properties, which is optimal for roofs exposed to heating in direct sunlight. After 200 degrees, binders begin to evaporate, but the cotton wool remains intact even up to 1000 degrees.

To support the weight of various materials and precipitation, this type of product is produced with a digital designation. For example, the ROS 30 is able to tolerate masses of up to 3,000 kg per square meter. The top layer of the basalt slab is specially designed to be more rigid, well suited to cover with subsequent building materials. Vata is completely non-combustible and remains stable in size at various temperatures, is not prone to drying out and the formation of cold bridges. ROS 60 and 80 can withstand loads on the top layer in the range of 6000 and 8000 kg / m2.

paroc rob
Paroc ROB

Paroc thermal insulation for foundation and ground flooring

When warming the foundation and the foundations of floors on the ground, a heater is needed that protects not only cold, but also dampness, and the insulation layer itself should not be destroyed in such an environment during long-term operation. Stone wool Paroc GRS 20 is specially designed to meet these conditions. It is hydrophobic and the effect of water does not affect it.

Great for warming different foundations or floors, both basement and first floor. Stone wool is quite durable and can withstand up to 2000 kg / m2. Thermal conductivity at the level of 0.042 W / (m * K) provides decent insulation from freezing temperatures.

Paroc thermal insulation for walls

For wall insulation, the manufacturer has two series of stone wool: WAS and WAB. The first has a thickness of 40 to 200 mm with a density of up to 30 kg / m3. It maintains dimensional stability and is completely non-combustible. Thermal conductivity within 0.039 W / (m * K).

There are some modifications with special durability, for example WAS 50t and WAS 30 tb, which are equipped with fiberglass lamination. This protects the fibers from delamination. WAS 35 is well suited for double-layer insulation with the creation of an air gap, or it can act as an outer layer in combination with thick brick walls. On the contrary, the WAB 10t basalt slab is produced in thin 20 mm and does not create a load on a light frame.At the same time, it can withstand temperatures up to 750 degrees.



Rockwool - World Leader

Rockwool was founded in 1909 and its head office is still located in Denmark. For almost 110 years of its existence, the company has become a leader not only in Europe but also in the world market of thermal insulation. Now its 28 plants are located in North America, Europe and Asia. In Russia there are three enterprises in the Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Leningrad regions. Another plant operates in Tatarstan. The total number of employees reaches 10,000 people.

The product range contains materials for insulation and fire protection, as well as the arrangement of sound insulation in domestic and industrial premises, ships, oil rigs. This company was the first in the world to be awarded the Ecological Material Eco Green mark, which is why products are very popular for warming bedrooms and children's rooms.

Rockwool stone wool for private homes and apartments

For private housing construction, the manufacturer has a whole line of stone wool insulation. The most popular among them are such heaters as:


LIGHT BATTS are lightweight mineral wool boards designed for thermal insulation of non-loaded structures in the insulation system of a house or apartment. The thermal conductivity of this insulation is 0.036 W / (m · K). It can be used to warm a large number of objects: mansard rooms (pitched roofs), partitions, flooring along logs, walls faced with siding, frame walls, balconies, baths, saunas

SAUNA BATTS - these are basalt slabs having a density of 40 kg / m3 and can be used both on the ceiling and on the walls. A feature of the insulation is a one-sided coating with aluminum foil that does not pass steam and water. This protects the fibers from getting wet and shrinkage, and also completely blocks the heat output from the room. Using such cotton wool in a bath or sauna, it will turn out to ensure the preservation of temperature and the integrity of the partitions. In this case, installation of a vapor barrier is not required, which reduces construction costs. The material withstands up to 200 degrees without loss of properties.

Stone wool ACOUSTIC BATTS has a pronounced sound absorption effect, therefore it is optimal for insulation of walls and ceilings in the apartment, which provides comfort and increases fire safety. Suitable for all types of residential and non-residential premises, installation in suspended ceilings is allowed. The sound absorption index for a layer of 50 mm is 0.8 according to GOST 23499-2009. A thickness of 200 mm provides sound absorption class A with an index of 1.0. The density of such basalt plates varies from 35 to 45 kg / m3.

Rockwool lait bats

Rockwool stone wool for facades

Facade insulation requires durable boards that will interact well with subsequent finishing materials. To do this, Rockwool launches VENTI BATTS N OPTIMA, with a water repellent function thanks to synthetic binders. The main material - fibers from mountain basalt rocks, provide high insulation and strength.

VENTI BATTS N OPTIMA stone wool has a density of 32 kg / m in density3 and not prone to destruction under the influence of its own weight and emphasis on attachment points. Thermal conductivity is 0.036 W / (m * K). The material does not burn at all, which protects the building when trying to set fire to the facade. The thickness of the plates varies from 50 to 200 mm and is selected according to the needs of insulation.

Rockwool venti bats

Stone wool for roof insulation

Roofing insulation must withstand the heavy weight of subsequent layers and precipitation, therefore, they are subject to increased requirements. The manufacturer of Rockwool has a wide range of products for roof insulation, both flat and complex:

  • RUF BATTS N LAMELLA - as the name implies, it is available in the form of lamellas or strips, which is convenient for laying on the roof of various shapes. Installation by expansion bolt shields or on glue is allowed. It is made only with a thickness of 200 mm. It has a high density of 115 kg / m3, therefore withstands up to 5500 kg of pressure per square meter.
  • RUF BATTS D OPTIMA - made with two layers (hard outer and ordinary), which increases strength and allowed to reduce weight. In thickness are produced from 60 to 200 mm. The hard layer is always 15 mm. The density of the outer side reaches 205 kg / m3, and the inner 120 kg / m3.
  • RUF BATTS N OPTIMA - designed to organize the lower layer of the roof with the subsequent laying of more durable materials. The density is 100 kg / m3 and the thermal conductivity is 0.036 W / (m * K). Thickness is from 40 to 200 mm.
  • RUF BATTS IN OPTIMA - especially strong slabs with a density of 160 kg / m3 (completely the entire thickness) intended for laying with the last layer in front of the main roofing material. Plates are hydrophobic and isolate not only from negative temperatures, but also from moisture.
  • SANDWICH BATTS K - Designed to be used as a middle layer in sandwich panels. They can be located immediately behind the metal sheath. Rigidity can withstand the pressure of precipitation. The density is 140-155 kg / m3. Compressive strength withstand up to 10,000 kg / m2.
  • RUF BATTS IN EXTRA - plates are produced with a thickness of 40-50 mm and serve as the upper layer in the arrangement of the roof. The density of the whole material is 190 kg / m3.

Rockwool ruf
Rockwool RUF BATTS.


Technonikol is a reliable Russian brand

This is an exclusively Russian brand, which has 53 plants in 7 countries of the world. Among them are Germany and the United Kingdom, Italy and Lithuania. Official offices are located in 18 countries. The company's Training Centers are also located there. Technonikol has its own Research Centers for the development of new technologies for heat and noise insulation. The products of this concern are very popular due to competitive prices and are sold in 95 countries.

General construction thermal insulation based on stone wool Technonikol

An inexpensive way to perform thermal insulation at any construction site is stone wool materials with a universal purpose. In Technonikol, such products are represented by the BASALIT series. All brands can be mounted horizontally or vertically.

  • BASALIT L-30 - differs in density of 25-35 kg / m3 and thermal conductivity of 0.032 W / (m * K) at an external temperature of 10 degrees. Well suited for the bottom layer followed by cover.
  • BASALIT L-50 - denser slabs (36-50 kg / m3), oriented on laying in any spatial position. Especially good for the lower layer when warming floors and floors.
  • BASALIT L-75 - the most dense material based on stone wool with an indicator of 51-75 kg / m3. The vapor permeability of 0.5 mg / ( Pa) allows its use in the middle layer on walls with light masonry.

Stone cotton wool Technonikol for warming all types of roofs

For all types of roofing, the Technonikol company has developed a range of heaters TECHNOROUF. The TEKHNORUF N EXTRA brand is made in the form of a basalt plate with a density of 90-110 kg / m3 and withstands pressure up to 3000 kg per 1 m2. It is optimal for arranging a sloping roof. TEHNORUF N PROF is the next in class and has a density of 110-130 kg / m3. With a deformation of 10%, it is able to carry a load of up to 4000 kg per square meter, which is also good for warming a roof of complex shape.

TEHNORUF V PROF is designed for all types of flat roofs. She has a pronounced hydrophobized effect. It can act as a top durable layer in three-layer structures. Its density is 175-205 kg / m3, and the strength allows you to withstand up to 8000 kg of pressure per m2. In order to quickly create a slope on a flat roof, Tekhnoruf KLIN 4.2% is used for precipitation flow, which automatically forms a slope contour. At the same time, cotton wool itself effectively fights cold retention and has a thermal conductivity of 0.038 W / (m * K).

tehnonikol tehnoruf

Stone cotton wool Technonikol for warming a ventilated facade

For a ventilated facade, the manufacturer offers a whole line of basalt wool from the TECHNOVENT series. The TEKHOVENT EXTRA brand is quite suitable as a base layer or in combination with another insulator. Its breathability is 35 m * s * Pa.

There is another type of this material - it is TEXHOVENT N PROF whose air permeability is 80 m * s * Pa.The insulation is intended for use in industrial and civil engineering during new construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures for various purposes as an inner layer for two-layer insulation in suspended facade systems with an air gap.

Stone cotton wool Technonikol for warming the wet facade

For a wet facade, THEXOFAS EXTRA insulation is well suited for holding a thick layer of plaster. The density of the plate is 80-100 kg / m3and the thickness is from 50 to 150 mm.

When you plan a thin layer of plaster, you can save money and choose TECHNOFAS EFFECT, which with a smaller cross section has an increased density of 125-137 kg / m3that will provide the necessary strength. TECHNOFAS DECOR is available for insulation of facades on balconies and loggias, therefore it has an increased tensile strength of 25 kPa.

tehnonikol tehnofas

TechnoNikol stone wool for use in frame buildings

There is a dilemma in frame buildings: the insulation must be dense enough so as not to sag over time, and at the same time not heavy, so as not to overload the structure. For this, the TECHNOBLOC series is best suited, which is designed for installation in frame walls and subsequent cladding. The STANDARD brand has a density of 40-50 kg / m3and PROF 60-70 kg / m3. According to the thickness of the plate, there are from 50 to 150 mm and they are suitable for any walls of a frame house.

In order not to burden the structure with massive insulation in the partitions inside the frame house, the manufacturer produces a lightweight version - the TECHNOLIGHT line. It has three types (EXTRA, OPTIMA, PROF) and a density of 30 to 46 kg / m3. Thickness varies from 50 to 200 mm, which is suitable for any type of partition.


What kind of stone wool do you plan to use?

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