Building blocks, brick, concrete goods, concrete - articles and instructions

If earlier houses were built only of wood and brick, today many alternative methods have appeared: aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks, panels made of different materials, etc. You will be able to choose the suitable option in any store, but you will find more complete information about each type of material get by reading the articles about the properties and features of various materials.

In this material: design and characteristics of screw piles; advantages and disadvantages of foundations on screw piles; factors affecting the durability of screw piles.

In this material: what is a semi-dry floor screed and what materials are used in its arrangement; advantages and disadvantages of a semi-dry floor screed.

In this article: what factors influence the choice of foundation; how to choose the right type of foundation for a house from a beam, depending on the base and climatic conditions.

In this material: what types of foundations are used in the construction of houses; what constituent components each type of foundation for a house consists of; advantages and disadvantages of various types of foundations.

In this material: what blocks are used for erecting walls of a house; comparing blocks by basic parameters.

In this material: requirements for cement, sand, gravel and water used for the manufacture of concrete; how to calculate the composition and proportions for the preparation of concrete of the desired strength; how to make manual and mechanical mixing of concrete.

In this material: what types of clinker brick exist; technical characteristics of clinker bricks and their dependence on each other; sizes and applications of this building material.

In this material: what properties kiln bricks should have; what types of bricks are used for laying one or another component of the furnace and how to choose them correctly; the main manufacturers of kiln bricks, the pros and cons of their products.

In this material: composition, production and varieties of furnace refractory bricks; what density, porosity, temperature limit, thermal conductivity, water absorption and size have kiln brick.

In this material: composition, production and types of ceramic bricks; density, thermal conductivity, moisture absorption, vapor permeability, frost resistance, fire resistance, sound insulation, environmental friendliness, dimensions and accuracy of the geometry of ceramic bricks.

In this material: what types of facing bricks are depending on the material and the technology of its manufacture; a variety of colors of facing bricks; textures and forms of facing bricks and their purpose.

In this material: what is ceramic brick and what properties does it have; pros and cons of ceramic bricks as a building material.

In this material: from what and how silicate brick is made; brands and types of silicate brick; Pros and cons of using silicate bricks as a building material.

What is the composition of arbolite blocks; key points of their production; what density, strength, heat conductivity, moisture absorption, frost resistance, shrinkage, fire resistance, sound absorption they have; what are the advantages and disadvantages inherent in this material.

What are the types of bricks, depending on the material of manufacture, purpose and area of ​​use, nature of filling, sizes.

What is aerated concrete and how is it made; what are the advantages and disadvantages of building from aerated concrete blocks.

What you need to consider when choosing material for the construction of the walls of the house; comparative characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of bricks, ceramic blocks, aerated concrete, wood and frame structures.

In this article: what cellular concrete are their names and classification; features of the production of foam concrete and aerated concrete; Comparison of foam concrete and aerated concrete according to the main operational characteristics.

In this article: what affects the longevity of a home; from what materials is building a house cheaper; how the selected material for construction affects the speed of construction; which materials are more fire resistant; in which case you can invest in parts of the construction; which materials are warmer and more environmentally friendly.

In this article: types and brands of foam concrete, as well as technical characteristics of these brands; advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete blocks; selection criteria and tips for the use of foam concrete.

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