A comment
OK-15 boiler, in operation for 4 years, 3 heating elements of 3 kW each are built in, a 9 kW control panel is installed. Considering that I live in a garden, where at a load of 6-7 kW per house it is not possible to use other appliances, I consider the use of heating elements to be useless. During the operation of two heating elements, the boiler gains a temperature of 55-60 degrees, which is enough to maintain heat (the house is well insulated), while the same light installed in the boiler room shines twice as bad as usual.
I usually drown with wood, the size of which really needs to be selected, periodically I use coal, from which there is a lot of soot and a specific smell. I purchased RUF briquettes (65 rubles a pack, 12 pieces in a pack) and Pinky Kay (75 rubles a pack of 12 pieces) from which I was satisfied, the consumption of firewood is 2-3 times more. When buying a boiler, I purchased a pellet burner (not automatic) and a 35 liter tank if I am not mistaken. A tank full of pellets, which is about 35-40 kg, lasts for 30 hours, while the temperature in the boiler is more than 70 degrees (depending on the grates available in the configuration, the temperature can be maintained from 50 to 90 degrees).
Given the cost of high-quality pellets (without bark admixture) about 160 rubles per 20 kg bag, the operation of the boiler becomes not very profitable.Currently, I burn cut pallets in the boiler, which are available in sufficient quantities, using RUF briquettes in parallel. In the 2-3 day absence in the winter, the house cools down to 13-14 degrees, while living I support 24-25. I live in Yekaterinburg. I hope someone comes in handy if you ask questions. Py Sy: on its example: a house of 95 Sq., 2 floors, 1 floor foam block, 2 floor beam, heat-insulated. At a temperature outside of -20, I start to heat the boiler from 8 in the morning and finish at 23, the briquettes will leave 1.5 packs, pellets 15-17 kg, coal, to which firewood has to be mixed periodically, because for some reason, it burns badly, it takes 10 kg, the number of firewood (pallets) is not realistic to calculate.
boiler price, purchased for 19,000
terrible (not economical and not efficient) work of the built-in tenov