A comment
I bought a steel bathtub Emalia, for the reason that there is no freight elevator in the house, and somehow I did not really want to drag cast iron to the 13th floor. The bath is light and shiny. The surface is smooth and perfectly even, almost shining with its whiteness. For a year of use, the enamel is like new, the coating itself is satisfactory in quality, there are no complaints about it.
But it cools very quickly, almost instantly. At the expense of volume, I’ll say so, my husband solved this problem, put the bath on a wooden frame, after which it does not ring at all when collecting water.And one more thing, if you install a bathtub without a frame, then it can bend under the dimensions of a person, only the columns here will not save.
In general, the bathtub is like a bathtub, there is nothing special in it, if you can get cast iron, don’t even think about it, and don’t even look at steel, pass it by.
light, cheap, smooth and even surface
misses, rings, cools quickly