To treat wastewater in the country and in a country house, it is necessary to mount a septic tank. Septic "Diamond" is compact, light weight and durable. It can be installed in any type of soil and even near residential buildings. The operation of the septic tank is silent, there is no unpleasant odor during cleaning due to the tightness of the system. There are several varieties of the septic tank "Diamond" depending on the number of people living in the house. Reviews on the septic tank "Diamond" will help you make a purchasing decision.

Septic Diamond - reviews and experience using them

The ideal ratio of quality and price
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Septic Diamant decided to install back in 2014 at the cottage with his parents. I reviewed a lot of analogues, because I wanted to correlate quality and price. I ordered the Diamond on the recommendation of my friend, who is just involved in the installation of treatment systems. Recommended septic tank as the most suitable for our soil, where there is a high level of groundwater.

Specialists arrived, they installed everything. Winter is one, the second has passed - everything is standing, nothing has flowed anywhere, while the neighbors septic tank knocked out of the ground. The price of the unit is excellent, in comparison with analogues. Simple and easy to maintain. I do it myself once every two years. Since the purchase, I have never regretted the money spent.
- Good price among analogues;

- high-quality equipment;

- can be served independently;

- can be installed, even with a high level of groundwater.
It takes up a lot of space on the site.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Already a year with a septic tank Diamond.
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They decided for themselves that the septic tank Diamond is the best solution to problems with the sewer system in the country. Therefore, a year ago we decided to install it. Already managed to appreciate the high degree of water purification. The fluid is removed from the unit using the built-in chamber and pump. The septic tank is cylindrical, made in horizontal design. It consumes little electricity and is not afraid of fluctuations or blackouts, as drains flow by gravity between cameras.
At the exit, high-quality process water is formed, suitable for watering the garden and the garden.
It is necessary to pump sludge with an ilosos or a special machine. In this regard, it is better to concrete and anchor the base for the installation, which requires additional costs. For quality service, the cost of replacing brushes will be required.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Septic Diamond - the guarantor of comfort
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They installed a septic tank Diamant on their suburban area. Installation was carried out independently, taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations. The diamond was lowered into a dug pit and put on a sand cushion. To avoid problems with aerators surfacing, gravel was poured into the working chambers. The equipment is not anchored. Now the installation works fine, there is no smell. Why did you choose this particular septic tank?

1. High rates of wastewater treatment.
2. Good technical characteristics inherent in horizontal aeration installations.
3. Full factory completeness: ruffs, backfill and other additional equipment.
4. Light weight.
5. Long warranty period (more than 50 years), the case does not decay and does not decompose.
Complete biological treatment of runoff water is carried out.
It is impossible to drain water into reservoirs, it is necessary to have a storage well.
Term of use
half a year
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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