The Nursing Greenhouse with an opening top is produced in Novosibirsk, reviews about it will help you better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the design. The sliding roof of the Kormilitsa greenhouse is a development of the Metallservice company. It allows you to create open ground conditions for plants if necessary and is very convenient in winter. The manufacturer’s assortment also has other greenhouses: “Clever”, “Crab Improved”, “Bogatyrskaya”, reviews about them will be useful when choosing.

Greenhouse Hopper reviews and recommendations

Greenhouse nurse
A comment
Contract # 789 of 03/29/18 The greenhouse was never received. Will be careful !! These are scammers !!
There are not any advantages alone pi ......................!
Bastards are fooling people !!
Term of use
more than one year
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A comment
Do not transfer money. Get nothing. Make out through different companies.
Do not mess.
Term of use
a few months
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Not recommend
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Greenhouse Nursery. Contract No. 130 dated February 25, 2019
A comment
They take money very quickly, and then they simply stop picking up the phone. We will file a criminal case for fraud. Do not mess with them!
Fraudsters. Spend your nerves and health, as well as lose money!
Term of use
less than a month
Recommendation to others
Not recommend
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Complete disgrace!
A comment
I can not say anything about the greenhouse - under the contract No. 729 of 03/22/2018 (paid on 03/23/2018 Until now, that is, until March 19, 2019 the greenhouse has not been received! Appeals to the plant’s website, by e-mail to managers, by telephone did not give any results. It touched on the site of the plant "you can write to the director" - wrote, and in response to silence. In general, the impression is not a factory, but a company of scammers.
Factory cheater
Term of use
less than a month
Recommendation to others
Not recommend
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  • Practicality
  • Price
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Open the roof for the winter
A comment
Very comfortable greenhouse !! I thought it was all fairy tales, propaganda, to show even more the advantages of the greenhouse. She believed that greenhouses could not fall. Yesterday a greenhouse fell from a neighbor’s profile. And I just opened the roof in my own way and did not even check it. Snow just falls down and everything does not press on the roof. I advised a neighbor the same greenhouse as at home, I hope, obeys. I like everything in the greenhouse! If after the winter it will be as before, then I will buy it with her!
The roof is just magical! Very comfortable, when you can use a lot.
I did not find and there are none!
Term of use
half a year
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Problem resolved
A comment
Thanks for solving the problem! We ordered a greenhouse from this plant in the summer.At the appointed time, the greenhouse did not come. They thought everything already, deceived, read reviews, a couple more people have the same problem. They started calling the factory. Phoned. The manager explained the situation to us. Asked to wait.

I had to wait two months, but in the end we got the greenhouse, all the parts in the kit, also compensated for the delay. In any case, we had to put it in the spring, so we only benefited from this situation. Thank you so much that the plant did not begin to hide its head in the sand, but honestly replied that there were problems and they were ready to solve it.
Responsible approach to the problem. They are able to recognize and correct mistakes.
Still, the delay was unpleasant.
Term of use
less than a month
Recommendation to others
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From Nicholas
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Hello. I recently ordered this greenhouse and decided to share the experience of using its past model. It has been standing for three years. Harvest is good enough, there are no problems with vegetables. An open roof really helps out on warm days. All winters calmly stood open. Now I saw that prices had fallen and bought another, but already new model. I believe that it will be no worse. I hope for the prosperity of the plant. I read that such greenhouses are only made in Russia. It's nice when we are ahead of the rest!
Very high quality.
On the first purchase, the price was biting, but it’s good that it’s now lower than that of a year ago
Term of use
more than one year
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Greenhouse "Nurse"
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Good day! Concluded an agreement with the plant in March 2018. I paid for the greenhouse on March 12, 2018. The delivery time of the goods according to the contract from May 4 to 12, 2018, today on November 15, 2018 we did not receive the greenhouse. She wrote to Larisa Kupina, specified the terms of dispatch, promise that they will fulfill their obligations, but I think that I have lost the money.
loss of confidence
Term of use
a few months
Recommendation to others
Not recommend
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  • Price
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Khabarovsk in touch
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The Nursery greenhouse was bought by me as a gift to my mother almost a year ago. I bought it in advance, since the price in this case was lower than if it were with urgent delivery. When I received it in March, I went to the site and went nuts about how much money I saved. The greenhouse is not only inexpensive, but also very comfortable. Tomatoes from her ate himself, delicious grown. I ordered one more for cucumbers now, also in advance. Definitely advise the greenhouse!
Low price and excellent quality!
It is a pity that you cannot immediately get a greenhouse at such a price.
Term of use
half a year
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Advice for the winter!
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The greenhouse has been standing for the second year, soon it will have to survive the second winter. Advice to all summer residents for the winter, open the roof. At first I could not finish for a long time how to make sure that it was not necessary to clean the snow from the roof every few days. The habit remained from the time when only ordinary greenhouses stood. The wife said that it seems you can leave her open. He was afraid that something would happen to the mechanism, but everything worked out, the greenhouse in spring was like new, they basically did not touch the snow. So I can confidently say to everyone that this is a great way!
You open the roof and the snow does not press on it! Everything is very simple.
Term of use
more than one year
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