To obtain the first crop of vegetables in a greenhouse, a certain air temperature must be maintained. The Lezhebok heat accumulator, which is a sleeve made of black polyethylene, will help in this. Water is poured into it. During the day, the battery heats up, and at night it slowly gives off heat, raising the air temperature in the greenhouse. It is easy to use, inexpensive, and the effectiveness can be estimated by reviews of the heat accumulator for Lezhebok greenhouses.

Heat storage battery heat sink for a greenhouse - reviews on its use



Lezhebok - an effective means of maintaining temperature in small greenhouses
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I have been using Lezhebok’s thermal battery for the third year. Prior to this, I used 1.5 and 2 liter water bottles. He took either brown ones or wrapped them with black electrical tape for more efficient heating.
Only once he let me down when the temperature in the street dropped to -8 ° C, then in the greenhouse it was 0 ... + 3 ° C and the whole cilantro on which I had high hopes for spring vitamins froze. But now I install a plastic sleeve not in the middle of the garden, as stated in the instructions, but from its outer part. The sleeve is not completely filled with water, so for the winter I do not clean it, it does not burst. In combination with the black film that I put on the beds for weed control it comes out generally cool.
Excellent heat transfer, warms at night, slightly cools in the morning.
The cost corresponds to the quality, several times already had to be patched.
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less than a month
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controversial effectiveness
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efficiency was not enough for our breadth. 56 parallel. And the point is not that there is not enough light during the day, but an insufficient volume of fluid. The diameter of the sleeve is 21 cm, while it is recommended to pump it only 2/3. Such a mass of water cools in our climate for half the night. Until morning, the temperature drops to 0 ... + 5 ° C, which is definitely not enough to preserve not only the vegetative state of plants, but also for many varieties deadly.

I think it can be used only in combination with other active methods of heating, infrared film, underground pipes or underfloor heating, etc. And here its effectiveness will not be too high. The only advantage is the low price.
Term of use
half a year
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Lezhebok water-based heat accumulator - a reliable and inexpensive solution
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Everyone who grows vegetables in greenhouses and hotbeds are faced with the problem of normalizing the temperature regime. In addition to expensive heating and ventilation systems, water barrels and plastic bottles are used, which are laid out and stuck in beds.
Two years ago, I saw an advertisement for a Lezhebok heat accumulator. I immediately purchased 2 sets, the product is inexpensive and reliable. It is a pipe made of strong, black polyethylene. I had to cut two pipes in half to make insulation at the ends of the greenhouses. I sealed off the cuts with an iron, and used the corresponding elements of a regular plastic bottle as the infusion neck in the part that it did not get during separation. In general, to build such a device is ridiculously simple.But its cost is so low that you just don’t want to bother with the purchase, cutting and gluing of the film.
perfectly keeps the temperature at night, which is what is required of it
not detected
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more than three years
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Inexpensive alternative to barrels and water bottles
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I have been breeding seedlings in the greenhouse for quite some time. I tried many heating devices from electric to inert. Usually used barrels filled with water or laid out bottles in the beds. The method is free, but too laborious. In addition, barrels take up a lot of space in the middle of the greenhouse, so do not pass, nor drive through.

Lezhebok learned about the heat accumulator not by chance. I searched on the Internet for a convenient and cheap way to save heat and immediately stumbled on a lounger. I have been using it for the second year. Very happy with the result.
keeps warm at night, and cool during the day, very cheap, affordable for any senior citizen
not found with the tasks fully copes
Term of use
less than a month
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Lezhebok excellent heat accumulator for the greenhouse
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Unfortunately, like most amateur gardeners, I do not have the opportunity to visit my cottage daily. And in early spring, it especially requires care and control. The nights are still quite cold, and during the day it bakes so that it is necessary to open the vents for ventilation. As an alternative to expensive automatic ventilation and heating systems, I have chosen a “bed side” heat accumulator. Its cost is small, and compared with other heating and ventilation systems, it’s not at all serious.
Only I placed not one gut in the middle of the beds, but two on each side. Thus, he protected the plants from the side of the walls of the greenhouse. During the night, the lounger gives up the accumulated heat, and during the day it does not allow the temperature to rise too sharply, injuring the plants.
efficient heating, minimal cost, ease of use
should be careful with sharp objects near
Term of use
more than three years
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