Arbolit is a unique material for building houses that combines the advantages of its constituent components: wood and cement. Excellent thermal insulation characteristics, environmental friendliness, ease of processing - this is the advantage of wood chips, which is part of arbolite blocks. But all the minuses of the tree - decay, drying, shrinkage, maintaining combustion are compensated by the cement included in the composition. Reviews of arbolite blocks, presented below, will allow you to objectively evaluate this building material.

Arbolite reviews

Wood concrete panels, Arbolit Block
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Arbolit does not need advertising !!!!!!!! Why in the Krasnodar Territory is not distributed I do not know !!! For 4 years we have been manufacturing and building houses from Arbolit Block
Some pluses
Term of use
more than five years
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Arbolite is good, but
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The material is good, only it is impossible to achieve all the conditions favorable for living, therefore I built a house from Tecolit Tecolit blocks with arbolite walls, where the savings are much higher than heating, time, etc., than solid arbolite.
Saving on heating, materials, time and much more.
studying tecolite material I did not find them
Term of use
more than five years
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I hope the arbolite blocks will not let me down.
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I decided to buy arbolite blocks for building a house after a long time. I could not decide for a long time what it would be more appropriate to take, I wanted to be able to breathe freely in the house, it was warm in it, the material should be non-combustible, not subject to wall shrinkage and as environmentally friendly as possible. Arbolite blocks were most suitable for my preferences, so I bought them for construction.

He built the box quickly enough, but began to notice that micro cracks formed around almost every block. They appear in the joints, somewhere very tiny, somewhere up to 5 mm. Moreover, initially during the construction they were not, appeared only a week later. In general, I am disappointed with this material, I'm afraid such a house will not serve me as long as I wanted. I hope, of course, that the whole problem due to shrinkage occurs.
build fast cost
cracks appeared
Term of use
a few months
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Not recommend
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Arbolite blocks - a good option for construction
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I am a builder, I have experience working with arbolite blocks, I have long had my own clear opinion about this material. In fact, arbolit is lightweight concrete made from waste wood, etc. Plus, a small amount of chemical additives and water are added there.

Arbolite blocks are lightweight, it is not difficult to work with them, they are poorly conductive.The material is very durable and non-combustible, it is not at all difficult to finish in rooms built of wood concrete blocks, and such blocks are inexpensive.
The structure of the material is porous, which means that the walls will breathe and are not afraid of decay.
The only thing you should pay attention to when buying such a material is its geometry. Unfortunately, now there is a huge number of uneven blocks on sale, which will not be so convenient to use during construction.
speed, lightness and cost of material
need to pay attention to geometry
Term of use
more than five years
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Arbolitovy blocks "Arbolit M"
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I got to a building exhibition and my attention was attracted by arbolite blocks for construction, at that very moment I was thinking about what to build a garage from. I was impressed with the characteristics of the arbolite blocks, they are lightweight and can be cut without any problems to the desired size. Blocks remarkably retain heat in the room.

The main problem in the operation of arbolitic blocks is the observance of the condition that such walls must be plastered.

I took the blocks from the manufacturer "Arbolit M", the quality is good, I liked working with them. Now I think that I’ll rather choose this particular material for building a house, since the garage in operation suits me completely. And then it’s quick and easy to build from arbolite blocks, and you can choose the sizes of blocks from several options. The impression of them is positive.
simplicity and quality
need to plaster
Term of use
more than five years
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Arbolite blocks - waste into business
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Not far from us there is a factory for the manufacture of arbolite blocks. And when the question arose of acquiring material for building a house, I had no particular choice. Moreover, the whole village was built up with houses from this material.

I ordered the required number of blocks (it is always the turn at the factory) and took up the basement. I heard that the blocks after manufacture give some shrinkage, so I decided to wait with the construction until spring. At the same time, the base will get stronger, and the blocks will take on a constant volume and strength. Perhaps I was in vain reinsured, but did as I did.

Blocks brought flat, light gray, wood chips homogeneous. Quality pleased me. Wintered under a canopy on the lags perfectly.

For four days, my partner and I laid out a box. On the outside of the wall he plastered with a sand and gravel mixture, to which he added a little lime. The walls were finished with sheets of drywall.
Light weight, durable - hold any fasteners.
Term of use
more than three years
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Difficult to answer
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Arbolite blocks are in no way inferior to other building materials
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I live in the Kirov region. When it became necessary to build an extension and remodel the yard for cattle, the most “running” material in our region were arbolite blocks. Frankly, I was not of high opinion about them. Then the choice fell on this building material, not because of their qualities, but because they are cheap and were present in large numbers. Compound is not a home.

He put it all together quickly, thanks to the light weight of the blocks and their precise geometric dimensions. Blocks laid on an ordinary cement mortar. After 4 years, no cracks or delaminations are observed in the blocks. They do not crumble and retain heat well inside the annex. The masonry itself, despite the unstable soil layer and the rather “flimsy” foundation, did not crack, which is surprising in itself. Typically, brickwork in our area gives cracks for 2-3 years. Apparently affects the porous structure of the surface of the blocks.
Cheap, lightweight, keep warm, resistant to dynamic loads, environmentally friendly
The big minus is the subjective opinion of the population about the prestige of this material.
Term of use
more than five years
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A house made of wood concrete blocks - affordable, easy, environmentally friendly!
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My husband and I dreamed about a house of about 5 years, and would have dreamed further if we had not learned about such building materials. We bought a small plot, but could not decide on a construction site, they were afraid that it would hang for years. They began to search on the Internet how to save on building a house, without sacrificing quality, and found a solution.

Arbolite blocks were bought in a neighboring city, they are produced by a small company on order. They built the house themselves, with the help of friends. There were no problems in the decoration, although there were concerns that the plaster would not lie.

We have been living in the new house for several months now - it is easy and fresh to breathe inside, as in a wooden house.
Arbolite is fireproof and not susceptible to fungi and mold, which is very important for health, has good sound insulation and thermal conductivity.

I am very glad that I found such a great solution for building a house.
- availability
- environmental friendliness
- fire resistance
- ease of installation
- thermal conductivity
- there are restrictions on the height of the building
- not everywhere you can buy
Term of use
more than one year
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