Perfecta produces dry building mixes of the same name, including bulk floors. This mixture is suitable for both basic and finish leveling, creates a perfectly smooth surface, without cracks and other defects, quickly hardens and gains strength. From reviews of the Perfect bulk floors, you can get an idea of ​​the quality and features of using this mixture.

Bulk floor Perfect - reviews, user recommendations

PERFECTA Lightcoat 1 ... 100 mm
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The floor was poured under a 3 mm TARKETT vinyl tile. The absorbent base was primed twice with GLIMS Deep Prime + Axton Concrete Contact ... For the first time I decided to try using the PERFECTA Lightcoat (1..100 mm) gypsum-cement leveling agent to fill the room with 16.8 sq.m. Previously, I made a complete survey of the relief at 90 points (16.8 sq.m.) using a professional laser level. I got a map of the "ocean floor" and a beautiful relief graph with "islands, shallows and deep waters" with drops from 0 to 17 mm. The approximate calculation in Excel gave 166.2 liters at the mark of 0.000 or 199 kg of dry mix (as described). .....

I bought 13 bags with a reserve .. but alas, the room “FIRED” everything and even more ... 15 bags (300 kg). TOTAL: no 1.2 kg per 1 liter of floor volume (1.2 kg per 1 square meter with a layer of 1 mm) ... but 1.80 kg! Serious CLAIM to the manufacturer!

2nd ... Absolutely not suitable for a thin-layer self-leveling (from 1 to 10 mm). It seizes too quickly even with the addition of 6.8 liters of water per 20 kg! It is better to use the mixture after all as a leveler under the rule for beacons ... even for layers from 5 mm to 15-20 mm.

4th ... The surface is excellently polished (gypsum in the composition after all), the cement-sand fraction settles, and the gypsum floats. This is a big PLUS. Inflows are easily cleaned.

5th ... Cracks during drying for 5 days at a temperature of 23 ° C were not noticed in the room ... There were no drafts within 2 days ....

I RECOMMEND .. but exclusively for professional application ...
Easy to sand. Lasting. White color. Gypsum-cement. Quick drying. Reinforced (according to the manufacturer). Crack resistant.
Not suitable as self-alignment for thin-layer casting. Consumption 50% higher than indicated on the bag. For professional application.
Term of use
less than a month
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Awful quality
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The base was sand concrete screed on expanded clay sand. The differences were not more than 1.5 mm. And this is all over the area. A self-leveling screed with a 2-3 mm layer was planned from above. The manager mixed up and brought the Perfect's universal liqueur, and the workers filled it very quickly. I did not keep track of the delivery and completion of work. I am 100% sure of the quality of the work, since the team does not work for me at the first facility and have never complained about its work.

As a result, we got a surface of rather mediocre quality, despite the fact that the working pros; after 3-4 days, the layer went into small cracks, which in a week turned into large. In the end, I had to remove the entire layer. In addition, the level consumption is more than indicated in the instructions, so that even savings will not work.
high drying speed
mediocre surface quality
Term of use
less than a month
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Perfect self-leveling plaster bulk floor
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On the weekend I flooded the floor in the kitchen. I used a mixture of perfect semi-self-leveling gypsum bulk. After drying, I got a rather curved surface. Where there were hollows, bumps, bumps and similar gifts. About 10 bags went to fill the 9 sq. M floor. The pouring time was about half an hour, everything was done strictly according to the instructions. Amount of water, kneading process, pouring leveling, etc.

And then I had to eliminate all sorts of defects, although in theory the self-leveling floor can not be filled crookedly. It’s good that the mixture is plaster and easy to grind. The usual emery wheel from the sharpener quite easily solved the problem of knolls. The recesses had to be covered with the same mixture, carefully leveled with a spatula.
Pretty cheap, quick to set.
Very difficult to fill.
Term of use
half a year
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The bulk floor of the plaster is perfect, you need to be able to work with it
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Unsubscribe about my experience, maybe someone will be useful. He poured a room of 20 squares, taking into account irregularities, it took 20 bags. Gypsum mixture as a fill is very difficult to work with. Firstly, when adding the required amount of water, it gives a very sticky and non-elastic solution. And you can’t add more water to make it easier to spread; after drying, it crackles. Checked by me in a small area of ​​the kitchen. Also, despite the manufacturer's assurances, it will not lie on a layer less than 2 mm. Because of this, it is a little inconvenient to work with a spatula. By trial and error, I came up with an acceptable way of working.

I put a thin layer and slightly equalize it with a spatula, not really trying. Then we let it dry for 20 minutes and remove all the bumps that remain from the preliminary alignment. I think that perfection will be easier to work as a rule, but in a narrow room I did not succeed.
Quickly dries, easy to process after drying, gives a good durable layer.
The solution is heavy to fill, poorly leveled.
Term of use
less than a month
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Perfect hardening finish - quite acceptable quality
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He took the bulk floor in Leroy - the perfect quick hardening finish. They also helped me calculate the amount, so that actually half a bag turned out to be superfluous. The quality of the mixture, in principle, I liked. Hardens quickly, it turns out a good strong surface. However, in the work such a mixture is quite tough. The bulk floor does not resemble much, rather it is a screed that needs to be leveled independently with the help of a rule and a needle roller.

After hardening, it holds its shape very well, therefore it is necessary to level it out very quickly. It is best to work in pairs when one is kneading and the other is pouring and leveling. He began laying tiles three days after pouring. By the way, laughter took a fresh, literally month of the moment of production. How storage affects its quality is not in the know.
hardens quickly, gives a durable surface
you need to level out not very fast.
Term of use
less than a month
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